Manchin May Run For Prez As Democrat – IOTW Report

Manchin May Run For Prez As Democrat

WLT: Democrat Senator Joe Manchin has hinted he may run against Joe Biden in the 2024 Democratic presidential primary.

When asked by NBC’s “Meet the Press” reporter Kristen Welker if he would run for president Manchin responded “I will do anything I can to help my country.”

He continued “Every American should consider it if they’re in a position to help save the country.” more

18 Comments on Manchin May Run For Prez As Democrat

  1. He like John McCain can hear the thundering elephants form the distant plains. He also smells money from Mike Bloomberg and will drop his 12 gauge and all those phoney ads for a few silver dollars from Blommie, and those rich righteous elites (including romney and RFK jr.) that all dems want be sidling up with. Take out your history books and re-read Johnson drops out, McCarthy squashed by RFK, then HHH is defeated by Nixon. Same play book even similar to Ross Perot and Big loves everyone Daddy Jeff in 1992. Lets stick behind DJ Trump and try save the country!

  2. Manchin’s a grifter.
    There must be a payday in running for presidunce – and Joe’s gonna cash in.
    Joe’s never worked a day in his life and he’s worth $Millions – this is his latest scam.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Manchin responded “I will do anything I can to help my country.”

    Hey Joe, you could have done that as a Senator but you chose to be just another democrat out to destroy this country for some false promises from the rulers.

    But go ahead and run. Hopefully you will pull more votes from the other despicable Joe

  4. ^^^^ I’m taking this shit personal! I don’t know nuffin, I have never learned anyting, don’t know what primaries are & don’t care to ever learn nuttin. There will be “ONE” Democrat & “ONE” Republican candidate in the next (2024) election. There can be other candidates on the 2024 ballot, they will have to be from ANOTHER party, Independent, Libertarian, Commies…. & your loser write-ins. Munchkin-man can run as the lollipopman candidate from the Wizard of Oz. But as a Democrat, only in their primary.

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