Greene Calls GOP Colleague a P‑‑‑‑ (She’s Not Wrong) – IOTW Report

Greene Calls GOP Colleague a P‑‑‑‑ (She’s Not Wrong)


The Hill: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) called fellow GOP Rep. Darrell Issa (Calif.) a p‑‑‑‑ Tuesday after he attacked her for lacking the “maturity and experience” to understand the proper way to bring an impeachment vote against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

In a post on X, Greene included a meme of former President Trump saying, “She said he’s a p‑‑‑‑.” The meme was a response to another post from her official House X account, which also attacked Issa.

“Darrell Issa is right, I am a hardworking member of Congress who puts the American people first. But we all know what Darrell Issa lacks…,” Greene posted, before including emojis of five different sports balls.

Issa had defended himself Tuesday morning against criticism — especially from Greene — for his vote to punt the impeachment measure on Mayorkas back to committee. He had joined seven other Republicans and Democrats in voting against the measure Monday. more

17 Comments on Greene Calls GOP Colleague a P‑‑‑‑ (She’s Not Wrong)

  1. I feel bad about this insult.

    To pussy.

    …I hate that this has passed into a pejorative term for weasels like that. I like pussy, most men do. Pussy makes men work harder. Men have changed the course of history over pussy. Pussy is so productive that every single human being, king and knave, sinner and Saint, started in one. Without pussy, there is no human race, and not much enjoyment of what makes us MOST human.

    …so, possible revised response…

    “Representative Issa, I served pussy. I know pussy. Pussy is a friend of mine.

    Representative Issa, YOU are no pussy.”

  2. the assembled congress-twats could not fart if they ate boiled eggs, ham hocks, & red beans @ every meal. the world’s most constipated/deliberative body…

  3. Prick is not a terrible swear word, however if she had gone full Navy on him and called him a cocks***er or mother fu**er that would have been real swearing. I’ve been called all 3 at one time or another when I was in the Navy and lived thru it. If she had called him a peckerhead or a dickhead would that have been worse, or even shitweasel.

  4. I think MTG is just a mouthpiece for the swamp, especially after the way she sucked up to McCarthy.
    I’m having a hard time believing any of them are on the “America First” side.

  5. Issa used to be popular in SoCal. I voted for him several times and was glad he jumped back into the political arena in SoCal…….Maybe I was wrong..
    P.S. I don’t live in SoCal nomo.

  6. “he attacked her for lacking the “maturity and experience” to understand the proper way to bring an impeachment vote ”

    He’s a POS! And another self-serving GOPe TRAITOR.
    He’s never accomplished ANYTHING despite all his TV facetime on Congressional panels.

    Send Issa to fight in Youkraine!

  7. McClintock voted for a stay too. He took the time to explain why, MGT went for impeachment due to high crimes and misdemeanors. And every thing she went onto to list did not qualify as a high crimes or misdemeanor.
    MGT is guilty of ready shoot aim. We’ve seen her do it before. So why isn’t she asking for help? Why isn’t she offered any? Why didn’t McClintock or Issa draft up their own impeachment. I think Congress is dysfunctional AF.


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