IRS takes aim at Americans’ earnings from Venmo and PayPal, dispatches 30 million new tax forms – IOTW Report

IRS takes aim at Americans’ earnings from Venmo and PayPal, dispatches 30 million new tax forms

House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith’s office raises alarm that tax agency “has no plan on what to do with the new information” it will collect with the new forms.

16 Comments on IRS takes aim at Americans’ earnings from Venmo and PayPal, dispatches 30 million new tax forms

  1. We are citizens no longer.
    We have become nothing more than income generators for Government. And still we are in $34 Trillion dollars in debt.

    The freedoms we are allowed to enjoy are based solely upon paying taxes at every level of government, from the city, county, state and federal governments.

    God Given and Constitutional Freedoms are conditional, based on Government authority.

  2. “…”Thanks to Democrats, more Americans who mow lawns or sell concert tickets and used couches through Venmo or PayPal will have those transactions scrutinized by the IRS…”

    Meanwhile the Biden Family Money Laundering Crime Syndicate will avoid any prosecution because they are privileged ruling class.

  3. @cato nailed it. “We are citizens no longer”. We are SUBJECTS that are used to fund the extravagant lifestyles of our “betters”. The taxes we are FORCED to cough up to the insatiable behemoth that is government of all levels. It never has been, nor ever will be enough. We are just feeding the beast that is killing us.


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