Insurrection Or Guided Tour? – IOTW Report

Insurrection Or Guided Tour?

“For all of the math wizards out there: Exactly how many 9/11’s divided by Pearl Harbor is happening here?

“They wiped their feet before entering, that’s definitely white supremacy.

Tucker Carlson: Ep. 15 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th. Our Fox News interview with him never aired, so we invited him back.

“Here’s a January 6 video they’ve never shown the public. A protester is uncuffed by Capitol police and then fist bumps another officer down a hallway away from everyone.”

Newly released footage of Matthew Perna (seen in red sweatshirt) shows Matthew walking calmly in the Capitol shooting video. Matthew pled guilty to initial charges, believing he may face 6-12 months in prison. Only after pleading guilty did the DOJ inform Matthew that they would seek a TERRORISM enhancement to his sentencing, which would raise his sentence to a potential 9 years in federal prison. 4 days after receiving news that the DOJ would push for this sentencing enhancement, Matthew went into his garage, put a rope around his neck, and hung himself.”

9 Comments on Insurrection Or Guided Tour?

  1. I’m sure the Republicans will be sending a strongly worded letter concerning what happened. And watch what happens to Pelosi, she will retire rich. Rinos will do nothing. Keep sending in those contributions and make sure to vote!

  2. It wasn’t Democrats who set this up, the Republican establishment, and Paul Ryan specifically, were working directly with them. I guarandamntee it and posted as much in the days leading up to Jan 6. Fuck me Kate, it couldn’t have been more obvious what was being set up. The fact that the repercussions continue is 100% on the Republicans, who have been sitting on their thumbs.

  3. Release the J6 prisoners. Make them whole: income, impact of lost income, defense money restored.

    Round up the cops that killed the four attendees, put them in prison. Same for the feds top-to-bottom.

    Round up the Cobgress-critters, and prosecutos, judges, juries, same treatment.


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