Javier Milei Becomes President of Argentina – IOTW Report

Javier Milei Becomes President of Argentina

Javier Milei haș all of the right friends and all of the right enemies. And today, the people of Argentina elected him their president.

13 Comments on Javier Milei Becomes President of Argentina

  1. This is very good, very welcome news. Argentina has a lot going for it, except for the stinkin’ shitty politics. Maybe Milei will help begin the climb back up from socialist hell for that country.

    p.s. I lived there for three years as a lad in grammar school and am still grateful for the experience. OK, if you gotta know it was Jan. 1959 through Dec. 1961.

  2. @Jethro — Yes, what a lovable guy! Heh — I mean that non-sarcastically, I love this guy, too!

    If you think the English translation subtitles are “no holds barred” you need to learn Castellano and hear him in all his glory!

  3. They counted the votes on election day!!! No shutting down for the night, no cardboard over the windows, no broken water pipes, no vehicles showing up in the dead of night loaded with ballots, no statistically impossible spikes in the vote totals.

    This is how every Democrat here knows the election in Argentina was a sham.

  4. Well, I must say I am surprised at this. However, there is always a but…

    (I’m back after a trip to N. MI for a funeral. It was good to be away from news for 3 full days.)


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