So Gross. – IOTW Report

So Gross.

World Leader’s Wifey Opens Up About Love Affair w/ 15-Year-Old… She Was 40.

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA
In a revealing interview, Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, spoke candidly about her love affair with the world leader, recounting the challenges tied to their odd relationship that began when he was just 15 years old. 

Recalling the tumultuous start of their romance, Brigitte candidly expressed her anxiety over dating someone so young.

“My head was in a mess,” she told Paris Match on Nov. 14, according to a translation by the Daily Telegraph. “For me, such a young boy was crippling.” 

She detailed the upheaval caused by Emmanuel’s parents attempting to send the 15-year-old to a boarding school. 

“Emmanuel had to leave for Paris,” she revealed. “I told myself that he would fall in love with someone his [own] age. It didn’t happen.” 

Despite expectations, their connection endured and gained public attention during Macron’s presidential campaign in 2017.  more

22 Comments on So Gross.

  1. That article called it an “odd relationship”. Odd?! I call it pedophilia. I don’t care if the age if consent in France is 15 yrs old. That is just revolting.

  2. I’m curious. Is there anybody here who had their first sexual encounter at age 15 and is willing to admit it in this context?

    I did, and I am. And it was with a girl/woman somewhat older than I was. I’m having a hard time condemning either of the Macrons (although it pains me to say so); they did eventually marry and they have remained together.

  3. There’s a lot more to it than that. “Brigitte MaKron” or rather Dr. Zaius as she is known, is a transvestite. From reliable sources we know that Zaius costs us more than 39,000 € per month in makeup (hallucinating right?).

    What do you think MaKron, Obama and Trudeau have in common other than being destroyers of their nation?

  4. She’s a pedophile, not a tranny.
    Interesting that there’s no mention of her marital status when the relationship started. I think she was still married. She’s also an heiress. Different rules and all.

  5. She’s as much a woman as The Mooch “Big Mike” Obama. A transvestite, MaKron and his gang of press buddies, are doing everything to cover up this case while shouting at the extreme-right plot, but it is starting to break through, very slowly.

    “Zaius” filed a complaint against 2 people and 1 journalist, for “right to privacy” but the “Defamation” was not retained by the prosecution, surprising no?
    Jean-Michel Trogneux

  6. I thought the same as Cmn¢¢guy.
    Start with a piece about a woman pedo and her successful marriage to the boy she seduced into her bed then a story about a man with a girl, maybe not with such a big age gap, only 15 and 30 or so, and make it sound sweet.

  7. And Jill at 15 was the family babysitter. Pedophilia is the ticket price for ALL political leaders it seems. Gen. Flynn has said publicly that dozens and dozens in political leadership in the US are compromised by recordings of their pedophilia.


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