Oregon’s Drug Legalization Has Killed Many and Earned Massive Pushback – IOTW Report

Oregon’s Drug Legalization Has Killed Many and Earned Massive Pushback

(Headline USAOregon‘s first-in-the-nation law that decriminalized the possession of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs is facing strong pushback in the progressive state after an explosion of public drug use and a surge in deaths from opioids, including those of children.

“The inability for people to live their day-to-day life without encountering open-air drug use is so pressing on urban folks’ minds,” said John Horvick, vice president of polling firm DHM Research. “That has very much changed people’s perspective about what they think Measure 110 is.”

When the law was approved by 58% of Oregon voters three years ago, supporters championed Measure 110 as a revolutionary approach that would transform addiction by minimizing penalties for drug use and investing instead in recovery.

ut even top Democratic lawmakers who backed the law, which will likely dominate the upcoming legislative session, say they’re now open to revisiting it after the biggest increase in synthetic opioid deaths among states that have reported their numbers. more here

9 Comments on Oregon’s Drug Legalization Has Killed Many and Earned Massive Pushback





  2. Trust me. I’ve lived in Oregon all my life of nearly 67 years, and this is a Portland and Eugene problem that their politicians created. It’s flowing out to the rest of the state as a result. I live in a rural area, and wonder when I will have to take up arms to survive this travesty.

  3. @ Sarthurk MONDAY, 20 NOVEMBER 2023, 0:38 AT 12:38 AM

    Not so much flowed as has been pushed out. I was in central Washington and stayed at a nice American Legion park one night because I got in late and didn’t want to disturb anyone. The American Legion you can camp at for about a sawbuck/night. It’s dry camping and usually almost empty. About two hours later in rolls a piece of shirt motorhome with a shit generator and full of fucking drug addicts. I hook up my RV and move to the far side of the park. The next day I see the groundskeeper and he tells me that if this small town even squeaks about it or does anything to get rid of them they can forget about any State grant money. It’s a goddamned disgrace what Democrats have done to Washington and Oregon.

  4. We had a motorhome completely burn to the ground just down the street from my house a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the night. All that was left in the morning was a totally burned-out hulk and a very scorched maple tree next to where it was parked. Damn meth heads.

  5. geoff the aardvark MONDAY, 20 NOVEMBER 2023, 3:17 AT 3:17 AM
    “We had a motorhome completely burn to the ground just down the street from my house a couple of weeks ago in the middle of the night.”

    …Mobile home fires are basically car fires with extra fire load and life hazards. It is a pretty rare occurrence to be able to put a stop on a mobile home fire that leaves it with anything salvageable because of how quickly the
    fire spreads, how much loading there is (curtains, sheets, couches, wall boards, posters, tables, boxes, etc., even without getting into the substances used to make meth), and because it usually happens when one or more people are
    sleeping (or otherwise engaged) and the alarm is delayed by both that and by the fact that people in a mobile home park by nature don’t want to answer their doors at o dark early to allow an emergency phone call unless they actually
    see a glow. Because of all this and the usual additional hazard of LP tanks on the vehicle frame that generally resulted in ruptured pipes during the fire feeding the flames, it was a good day if you got everyone out of the trailer without injury as the trailer was generally a total loss before the first-in engine rolled up. Rescue was always interesting because you never knew how many people, dogs, cats, birds, etc., were in a trailer and while animals were less of a priority than people, they COULD cause massive problems with recuses if a large one attacked or its body blocked a door.

    We had this wonderful device that was technically a penetrating nozzle, but was actually pretty multi purpose. This was a massive stainless steel affair with four handles on it, blunt on one end and pointy on the other, with a hose
    fitting and a hollow interior with ports in it so water could be pumped through it. The idea was that up to four guys could wield the blunt end as a battering ram on regular structures where the door opened inwards, BUT with mobile
    homes the doors typically opened OUTWARDS and were made of sheet metal and usually not very stout metal at that; so, you had an option where you could poke the penetrating nozzle right through a door or a wall to damp the fire down in that
    way (mobile home walls ain’t so strong either) a roof (NOT recommended as you’ll probably fall through as you have to get over a fire, but you can do it from an aerial bucket if there’s still a roof by the time you get the outriggers set), or
    more typically use it WITHOUT the hose and jam it through the metal door, then use the barbs to yank the door open and do your rescues and whatever suppression may be possible.

    You couldn’t treat them differently if it was a suspected meth house as people are people and still need to be saved, but you DID have to be cognizant of the possibility that there were WAY more volatile chemicals and LP storage
    going on than what you might reasonably expect were it NOT a meth lab. Lots of times the explosion answered this question as the meth experiments gone wrong usually announced with a window-and-door blowing BOOM (also true in
    apartments), but this does NOT mean that ALL of the volatiles are currently consumed and there may be an LP tank in there somewhere with a flame impinging on it, just waiting to BLEVE in your face as you blunder past it.

    At least when its a trailer, other than jacking up their windows, blistering their paint, and causing us to have to spray water on their not very sturdy walls to protect them as exposures, it usually isn’t too much of a life hazard
    for any folks other than the affected trailer. When this production is done in Multi Unit Dwellings, THEN the life hazard after an explosion and ensuing fire gets SPICY, with neighbors above, below, and on both sides and a TON
    more fire loading (although in somewhat slower to burn structures), so given a choice, it’s probably better that they do it in their own little trailer than in an apartment full of sleeping people from a “Death To The Innocent” standpoint.

    So not super surprised that any trailer fire results in a completely lost trailer. I’m only surprised with a meth explosion doesn’t inspire a visit from the coroner as well.

  6. I guess they don’t like the Utopian freedom that they sought after that past several years. The drugs were leagalized to get rid of the riff raff permanently. Instead you invited more to the party. Ain’t freedom grand?

  7. It is one thing to respect self-ownership, and recognize that you either own your own body and can do with it what you wish or you are the property of the state (slavery), and subsidizing poor choices and behaviors. Oregon chose to subsidize drug abuse rather than simply RE-legalizing self ownership (yes, ALL drugs used to be legal in the US).

  8. Driving on the freeway through Portland you can see there is no hope. Free-shitters and druggies outnumber self-reliant, hard working patriots. The communists control Portland’s media, government, and education. There is no hope. The good news is that Portland is target #26 if Russia decides to go nuclear.

  9. @ JDHasty

    “The next day I see the groundskeeper and he tells me that if this small town even squeaks about it or does anything to get rid of them they can forget about any State grant money.”

    I know I don’t have to tell you this but free money isn’t free. Every dollar of grant money from any government entity is stolen from citizens and comes with a string attached. Individually the string might not amount to much but collectively they make the rope Lenin said he would sell us to hang ourselves with.


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