Black Chicago residents issue list of demands including ‘Immediately ending sanctuary city’ – IOTW Report

Black Chicago residents issue list of demands including ‘Immediately ending sanctuary city’


Black Chicagoans delivered a warning to the City Council and City Hall: Keep supporting Mayor Brandon Johnson’s progressive sanctuary city policies — keep flooding the streets with illegal migrants — and they’ll be voting Republican in the next election.

“We’re here to say to black aldermen who are elected by the black citizens of Chicago that we are fed up with you not hearing our stress and our demands but rather do what you want to do to please the Democratic Party,” a representative of the angry group said at a rally on Chicago’s South Side.

“We are fed up with you for not taking the lead to stop the buses,” she continued. “We are fed up with you for not demanding of Brandon Johnson to remove illegal immigrants from our community, and we’re also here to say we are denouncing Alderman William Hall and Lamont Robinson for going to the border to look into the eyes of illegal immigrants but has failed to look into the eyes of homeless black men women and children and other citizens of Chicago.” more

11 Comments on Black Chicago residents issue list of demands including ‘Immediately ending sanctuary city’

  1. One of the reasons Democrats don’t teach Black people actual history is that, if they dud, they’d realize that Black slaves who curried favor with their Democrat masters were promoted to “House Niggers” who then felt superior to mere field hands, and that Democrats also used Black overseers to keep the slaves in line.

    Kind of like now.

  2. One of the reasons that Democrats don’t teach Black people actual history any more is that, if they did, Black people would know that the Black’s who curried favor with their Democrat masters were promoted to “House Niqqers” and that Democrats also used Black overseers to keep the rest of the slaves in line.

  3. The Democrat Party is comprised of a coalition of rent seekers. Rent seeking is an economic concept that occurs when an entity seeks to gain added wealth without any reciprocal contribution of productivity. The game has matured to the point that they are no longer allied with each other and plying their opportunistic craft on the productive, but are beginning to turn on one another and competing for their share. The problem with pieces of shit that are drawn into that racket is that they are the most covetous, resentful, nasty, entitled and immoral sonsabitches on the planet. They have nothing but envy and resent driving them and each of them thinks that if anyone has anything whatsoever they don’t have that they themselves were more deserving and had been cheated out of it. Their greed is absolutely insatiable. They are Satanists and damn good Satanists at that.

    The only regret I have for what they have done to themselves is that they harm innocent people along the way. What they do to each other is only a fraction of what they deserve.

  4. The Chicago I knew is gone. Poor leadership,crime, not backing the police, low arrest records, homeless, illegals, and public education, have ruined the once beautiful city. Stop voting the same way. Elections have consequences.

  5. Kcir – Don’t leave out the uneducated, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, Deadbeetz, Free-loaders and Generationally dependent LoFoz living on twenty different government programs designed to destroy the nuclear family!

  6. Maybe they should just directly call Mooch and Squirrel on their free obamaphones ?!

    chocolate jesus is ultimately responsible for ALL that they are complaining about. But no, he black like dem.


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