If You Have Any Old Paper Statements Laying Around… – IOTW Report

If You Have Any Old Paper Statements Laying Around…

18 Comments on If You Have Any Old Paper Statements Laying Around…

  1. That was fascinating, but I have no patience to do that kind of detailed craft work. My daughter on the other hand would be a natural for that since she already does and makes a lot of detailed intricate craft work like that. She even sold some of stuff on Etsy.

  2. Tony R – I’m with you. I have a hard time getting in the mood for Christmas shopping unless there is snow on the ground!
    Oh, and I don’t start playing Christmas music until after Thanksgiving!
    I say Give Thanksgiving a Chance!

  3. We made Christmas trees out of incrementally large to small size kooty catchers using green construction paper, & stacking them one on top of another.
    Also from Readers Digest magazines by folding each page, kinda like a paper airplane, & then gluing the spine back. Couldn’t do that today; they’re not thick enough.

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