Group of Marines Beat Up Thugs Outside an Austin, Texas Nightclub – IOTW Report

Group of Marines Beat Up Thugs Outside an Austin, Texas Nightclub

Vigilant News- A small group of thugs learned a painful lesson last night after picking a fight with members of the proud U.S. Marines. Now a video of the encounter has gone viral across social media.

The footage shows plain-clothed individuals confronting the Marines outside of the Voodoo Room nightclub in Austin. After words are exchanged, one of the men decides to take a wild swing at a Marine, which instigates an all-out brawl. watch

23 Comments on Group of Marines Beat Up Thugs Outside an Austin, Texas Nightclub

  1. “I wonder why the Marines were there in their dress Blues”

    That’s my question. The only positive thing I watched out of this is the did jell together. Other than that rather pathetic. I’ve seen better fights at my mother in laws retirement home.

  2. Ditto Brad, and others. And yes, a lame “brawl”. Also… dress uniforms at a nightclub?

    I also wonder why a gaggle of cops suddenly showed up — but only after one thug got smacked down.

  3. Looks more like staged event. All Corporals or below.
    So why were that many sheriffs and police on scene in less than a minute?
    If they had been Uvalde police, they would have stood around and scrolled through their phones for an hour.

  4. @Brad,

    Maybe at a bachelor party or after a wedding. In my case, it was only on these occasions (guard of honour with cavalry swords, for the young couple) that I wore the parade uniform (without the Burnous, of course).
    I also notice that it is still one of those fucking retard of Wakanda and that like every time the Keystone cops intervene, as soon as those who seek the fight begin to lose the fight.

  5. I only wore “Olive Drab” to a bar.

    I never got in a fight; and GWB has always been conservative!

    Both the above statements are lies!

    Wfe pulled me out of some fights. But she was not always there to “save” me!

    Never lost a tooth or got a scar in a bar fight!

    Lost 2 ad now have 3 from nam!\
    War is “for keeps”!

    I wonder – how many reading this know what I meant 75 years ago when I said “Play for keeps.”! Old I am.

  6. Dress Blues? Out of shape? My guess it might have been the Marine Corps band. Was there a parade in town? Whatever, this is now Biden’s military, and he is using every excuse to get rid of heterosexual, patriotic men from the military.

  7. Firstly, this took place on what is now called “dirty 6th”, in the downtown “entertainment ” district of Austin. Once a hotspot of live music venues, it has been reduced to shot bars and tattoo parlors. I’m surprised no one pulled a gun and started shooting as that’s normal in the area now. APD is down 300 personnel and hemorrhaging. Those were Texas Department of Public Safety, or DPS officers who are filling the gap.


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