Rep. Biggs: Impeachment inquiry to look at Biden family’s ‘pervasive’ use of loans ‘to avoid tax liability, launder money’ – IOTW Report

Rep. Biggs: Impeachment inquiry to look at Biden family’s ‘pervasive’ use of loans ‘to avoid tax liability, launder money’

JTN: Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs gives a deep dive into Speaker Mike Johnson releasing over 40,000 hours of footage from January 6th, in effort for transparency with the American public and gives an update on the impeachment inquiry into President Biden and his family’s business dealings, after millions of dollars discovered labeled as “loans”.  more

12 Comments on Rep. Biggs: Impeachment inquiry to look at Biden family’s ‘pervasive’ use of loans ‘to avoid tax liability, launder money’

  1. This needs to be a 12-month long, very public inquiry. Until election day 2024. Regardless whether they keep Joek in the race or drop Newsom or even Mike 0, this is a massive indictment of the Democratic Party and the best free advertising the GOP could have.
    They need to keep pushing the election fraud inquiry as well, we are beginning to see in public a lot of the things that we knew all along.
    Will they do it??? Even if Johnson has the guts, will he get hamstrung by his own party???

  2. LOANS?

    1) has he paid any back?
    2) what was the interest rate?
    3) If 1 or 2 are not declared within a certain time frame up here in CANUCKISTAN they would be assumed an income & TAX would be due with Financial PENALTY
    4) Did Shit-pants DEDUCT Carrying costs?
    5) Any Quid Pro? (Hell, he was called Quid Pro Joe until he started Crapping Himself Groping)


  3. Gee, corrupt traitorous maggots doing corrupt traitorous things?

    Say it ain’t so!

    Let’s look into how the Pelosis quintupled their gross worth after she became speaker … and how Mad Max Waters gross worth quadrupled after she was put on the Committee on Financial Services (her husband’s in banking) … &c., &c., &c.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “this is a massive indictment of the Democratic Party and the best free advertising the GOP could have.”

    Not only that but I find it impossible to believe that other Dems knew nothing about what he & his were doing. Otherwise why were/are they so determined to make him President. And apparently keep him there? Who has that family got the goods on? Or an easier task would nbe to ask who don’t they have the goods on…

  5. No one said anything because they all do it. Recall the House bank scandal a few years ago. Congressmen were writing bad checks and withdrawing cash from empty accounts. Typically, the “bank” was not a real bank because they passed special “rules” for it. Ultimately, 77 members were ousted or resigned.


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