Trump Scores Win in Court as Judges Indicate They May Loosen ‘Gag Order’ – IOTW Report

Trump Scores Win in Court as Judges Indicate They May Loosen ‘Gag Order’

Slay: President Donald Trump may have his unprecedented “gag order” loosened as appeals court judges weigh his case.

The gag order against President Trump in a federal “election interference” case is being weighed by a three-judge panel.

The judges will rule on the order after they heard arguments Monday in a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. more

5 Comments on Trump Scores Win in Court as Judges Indicate They May Loosen ‘Gag Order’

  1. Since when can a “judge” or group of “judges” overrule a God-given right?
    These maggots have seriously overstepped their authority – and I suspect that their blasphemies will not go unnoticed.
    They “gag” President Trump but not the traitorous maggots in the FBI and DOJ who “leak” to the corrupt media?

    The whole corrupt, rotten, stinking charade is nauseating.
    Our “legal” system no longer even pretends to seek justice.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Must be talking about a Lauren Boebert commandment. God given & please enlighten us which you are referring too. Threats of bodily harm, death threats coming from a defendant are limited by most courts, with imprisonment if the defendant does not follow a court imposed order. The “key” word is limited, it by no means says or implies removed.


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