J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police Officers Firing Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters – IOTW Report

J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police Officers Firing Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters

RedState: In what could possibly be a major revelation related to the J6 riot at the U.S. Capitol building, a recent report suggests that Capitol Police fired rubber bullets into a peaceful crowd of Trump supporters during the incident. If true, this development raises serious questions about the potential role of law enforcement in the escalation of violence on that day.

Human Events published a report detailing an interview between conservative commentator Jack Posobiec and conservative activist Raheem Kassam, who were both present near the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021. The report claimed that new footage released by House Speaker Mike Johnson shows that Capitol Police, at least in one instance, opened fire on a crowd of peaceful protesters. more

11 Comments on J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police Officers Firing Rubber Bullets at Peaceful Protesters

  1. The day to day stench of collective Cloward-Piven bullshit has turned into an overwhelming, endless stream of Bum-Piss Soviet-Style propagand by constantly pissing on our heads and tell us it’s just raining. They’re every bit as vile and corrupt as the Ruskies they constantly accuse Donald Trump of colluding with. They have no shame, morals, scruples or standards in keeping J6 protestors in prison without a trial and bring no dignity to the law. They’ve sunk into a swamp of disrepute where their only idealism is “Get Trump” even though all their so-called “evidence” offends human nature and insults our intelligence. They’re so lost in the inferno of crime and skullduggery they’ve become sick, twisted, wretched animals, repugnant to everything that’s great about the United States! They are sick, twisted vehicles of pure hate in an endless parade of let-downs, put-downs, shut-outs, freeze-outs by a group of sell-outs, numb-nuts and no-nuts nimrods who only appeal to border-jumping piñata-spankers and Feta-reeking cab jockeys who would sooner ram their Checker up your hatchback and start shaking chicken bones at you!! This National Socialist Party will give you a boil on your neck so big that all it needs Michael Jordan’s autograph and a Fetterman registered symbol® and to make it complete! Wake up and smell the dog shit!


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