Muskegon Voter Fraud: Video Interrogation of GBI Strategies Official Released, Verifies Prior Gateway Pundit Reporting – IOTW Report

Muskegon Voter Fraud: Video Interrogation of GBI Strategies Official Released, Verifies Prior Gateway Pundit Reporting

In August, the Gateway Pundit exclusively reported on police reports that emerged from the City of Muskegon Michigan and from the Michigan State Police that documented 10,000-12,000 suspicious voter registration applications turned into City of Muskegon Clerk Ann Meisch.

These reports, and the fact they are ongoing, show that there was widespread, systemic, ongoing voter registration fraud in a major battleground state in the 2020 elections, and that major Democrats in Law Enforcement knew it. GBI Strategies was a huge part of the Biden machine.

Yet far-left zealots like Michigan’s Attorney General Dana Nessel have repeatedly lied and said there was no voter fraud in the 2020 elections, and that the 2020 elections were the safest and most secure in American history.

The City of Muskegon stonewalled the Gateway Pundit from releasing public documents that would further reveal the extent of the cheating in the lead-up to the 2020 election. Michigan law enforcement kept lying to the Gateway Pundit and blaming the FBI for inaction.

But now, one enterprising citizen researcher from New Jersey, Yehuda Miller, has uncovered through the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, video that authorities previously suppressed from the Gateway Pundit where Michigan law enforcement officers are questioning an employee of GBI Strategies. MORE

11 Comments on Muskegon Voter Fraud: Video Interrogation of GBI Strategies Official Released, Verifies Prior Gateway Pundit Reporting

  1. “Michigan State Police that documented 10,000-12,000 suspicious voter registration applications turned into City of Muskegon Clerk Ann Meisch”

    And that’s just the ones they know of in only ONE city. Think of how many there must be in the whole state. More than any leftard could ever admit to.

  2. Seems like every other week we see new voter fraud evidence from the 2020 “election” yet we’re called “Election Deniers”….aaaannnd Jackass Joe got 81 million “votes”!


    There was so much fraud going on we’ll keep seeing it turn up for years like WWII ordinance in Europe keeps getting found decades later!

  3. As FJB wrote (and I certainly agree) “Falsifying votes is Treason.”
    Those who engage, finance, lie about, mask, enable, encourage, deny that voter fraud exists, or perform the actual tasks of fraud must suffer quick and pitiless execution. There are NO mitigating factors!

    Otherwise, it will continue and the Republic be destroyed.

    Why we have allowed it to go on this long is a mystery.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Sure it was, all over America cause your head jackass said it was & he would never lie (much).
    He wouldn’t know the truth even if he standing right before the pearly gates. Well that will never happen, there is only one place he’s going, thats down to the fires of hell.

  5. Insurmountable evidence of voter fraud and vote manipulation in key states !!

    Yet nothing will be done to correct the results of the election.

    How long has it been since we actully had Free ad Fair Elections?

    The mantra of the DNC is; If you aren’t cheating, you ain’t trying hard enough. The end justifies the means.

  6. That’s the only reason the witch, Whitmer, got re-elected. Where I live, everyone despises her and her cronies, Dana Nessel and Jocelyn Benson.

    We had a surplus of taxes, so did they give it back to us? HA, they spent it on frivolous crap.


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