Nearly Half of All Americans Think the US is Sending Too Much of Our Money to Ukraine – IOTW Report

Nearly Half of All Americans Think the US is Sending Too Much of Our Money to Ukraine


Nearly half of all Americans think the United States is sending too much of our money to Ukraine.

An Associated Press/NORC Center for Public Affairs poll released on Wednesday found that 45 percent of those surveyed believe that the U.S. is sending too much for Ukraine’s war with Russia.

The number is down from 52 percent who said the same in October.

More Republicans than Democrats oppose the billions of dollars we are sending in foreign aid.

“Republican opposition to aid, however, remains strong, with 59 percent of GOP respondents saying the government is spending too much on aid. That’s down from 69 percent who said the same in October,” The Hill reports. “Meanwhile, 38 percent of respondents said current spending is ‘about the right amount,’ up slightly from October. Among Republicans, nearly 30 percent said spending is about right, up from 20 percent last month.” MORE

18 Comments on Nearly Half of All Americans Think the US is Sending Too Much of Our Money to Ukraine

  1. Ummmmm… isn’t that the idea??
    Loot the the Treasury until it collapses along with the Dollar. Meanwhile the Elites and Politicians are grabbing for all the gusto they can get their grubby little hands on in the process of robbing the biggest plum on the planet blind!

  2. Ghost of Burner – yer right. There is an old saying that half of all Americans get up in the morning just to figure out new ways to screw the other half outta their money!

  3. Watched “20 Days in Mariupol” on PBS last night. It’s always the people who suffer not the politicians who get rich off war. These people were living ordinary happy lives when Biden and the democrats decided they needed a distraction from their corruption. I HATE THEM ALL!

  4. I figure Canada should start a war with Alaska.
    The “get off my lawn war”.
    Biden admin will send us money to fight and we end up with one of the most beautiful places on earth.
    Just a theory (for now).

  5. Are these people really that stupid or have they been intentionally misled and uninformed by the corrupt media? Yeah. There are a lot of knuckle dragging mouth breathers but there are lots of people that get their ‘information’ from legacy media which is now another arm of the democrat party.


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