Boom! – IOTW Report


Also, Ouch… And a little bit LOL.

16 Comments on Boom!

  1. I’m sending that to the Bike shop my son works at in the summers.

    We both hate Roadies & ONLY ride in the woods where we don’t hit anything except for trees. (the damn things just keep jumping out onto the trails)

  2. I did that once, but I was 15 on a (not stolen) dirt bike. I was driving down a street and knew damn well I wasn’t supposed to because I’d been busted before, and I thought I saw a police car behind me and without rearview mirrors (dirt bike), I craned around to see what was behind me.

    Then the road turned.

    I didn’t.

    …I glanced my handlebars off a parked car, didn’t hit it full-on, just enough to yank them out of my hand, dumping the bike on my leg at ~20 mph for a nice sandwich slide on the pavement with my knee as the meat. Turned out it wasn’t a cop, just some guy in a white car who asked if I was all right, then shook his head and moved on.

    My buddies picked me up and dragged me and the bike to one’s nearby house where I wouldn’t stop bleeding, so an ambulance was summoned, lies were told, and off to the hospital I went for my first and (so far) only ride in an ambulance as a patient.

    I went on to drive them for the same city years later, and my knee still talks to me even after lo these many decades, so sometimes even a dumb little accident can help shape your future.

    Let’s hope this event helps shape his for the better.


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