Always trust your gut – IOTW Report

Always trust your gut

If you feel like they’re lying to you, they are.

5 Comments on Always trust your gut

  1. Always trust your gut

    No truer words were ever said. How many times have you told yourself “I should have listened to myself.” I wonder how many of those self-talkers talked themselves into getting a death jab? No do overs.

  2. They are Satan’s disciples: they can do naught but lie.

    If they state a fact, it is a distortion or half-fact, and it is spoken to trip you up into believing the lie that follows.

    Mostly they lie through deflection and omission – we still haven’t heard much about the Satanic murderess Audrey Hale and her pernicious fellow perverts or the counter-attacks in Dublin or the atrocities the Palestinians have inflicted on Israel.

    (I am not affiliated with any of them)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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