Longtime Business Owner Says He’s Done With San Francisco – IOTW Report

Longtime Business Owner Says He’s Done With San Francisco

– Claims City Cares More About Drug Users.

Gateway Pundit:

It’s no secret that the city of San Francisco has been struggling in recent years to deal with an increase in homelessness, open drug use and crime.

What we don’t hear about very often is how this affects normal, law abiding people in the city who are trying to make a living and lead their lives.

One business owner who has been in the city for years is now saying he is finished and that the city cares more about drug addicts, criminals and homeless people than anyone else. more

13 Comments on Longtime Business Owner Says He’s Done With San Francisco

  1. Why do pols think it is aceptable to use taxpayer $$$ against the interest of the taxpayers? Zombies don’t pay taxes, and can’t vote as they jave no fixed adfress…(latter point violated ny the Govt-Homeless complex)

  2. For the Left, one oft used word signaling an impending narrative is the word “complexity.” Usage of this word allows the Leftist to cull and, importantly, dispense with whatever facts or allegations they choose to create a narrative. This is critical in instances where the facts at hand lead to an ineluctable conclusion – i.e., the truth – that is antithetical to the Left’s aim. Let us explore four instances of the Left’s “complexity” of idiocy driving a narrative harmful to America and the world.

  3. Leftists RARELY learn from their mistakes. Guaran-damn-teed to take his voting habits with him. Another SFO democrat doing his part to eff up another city while claiming to be a victim.

  4. @ Wylie1 SATURDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2023, 10:42 AT 10:42 AM

    They aren’t “mistakes,” the bastards just don’t like it when the increased innocent human suffering, misery and death they support affects them personally. None of what they are responsible for is attributable to them being mistaken, but well intended. It has been obvious to me for some time that anyone who supports this shit is motivated by malicious intent, since at least 2020 when the masks came off if you so much as concede mistaken, but well intended to any of the rotten, evil bastards you are enabling them and are complicit. I mean every word of that to be taken literally.

  5. A quote from Sackett on Twit:

    “You know the worst part of @LondonBreed and @SFbos policies have done? They have given #republicans ammunition for upcoming elections! And you thought #sf was screwed now? Just wait!

    So, Sack-o-sh*t voted for his own business losses. I don’t feel sorry for him. Not one iota of sympathy.

  6. All according to plan. Let crime get out of control, property values drop, soros and his buddies swoop in buy it up at rock bottom price. Then they will have hard core fascists voted in and they brutality deal with the homeless and drug users. See 1930s Germany.

  7. Conservative Cowgirl: What is amazing is that people like him feel that the Democrats have given ammunition to those who would not have let the situation deteriorate as it has, as if that is a bad thing.

  8. I don’t feel any bit of sorrow for anyone who stays in San Francisco and expects to make a living. The guy is a liberal, and he ignored the warning signs. Someone’s loss is another man’s gain. Too late for crying now, you could have saved yourself 3 years ago, cut your losses and leave.

  9. I have a buddy that works in San Jose. He has been pushed out of the area due to the high cost of housing and has a 70 minute commute at 6 AM. His afternoon commute can be up to 2 hours. For the past five years he has applied for every job he is remotely qualified for at every other location his company has. I think he is slowly going insane.

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