4 Overweight Female Police Officers Try to Arrest Male Shoplifter  – IOTW Report

4 Overweight Female Police Officers Try to Arrest Male Shoplifter 

Gateway Pundit:

Diversity is our strength.

Four overweight female police officers were unable to arrest one male shoplifter in Chicago.

The undated video of the four female officers attempting to make a retail theft arrest at 95th and Ashland was posted to X by crime news blogger 16th &17th District Chicago Police Scanner.

The suspect, Patrick Johnson-Henry, 32, resisted the officers for about 2 minutes before escaping on foot. more

44 Comments on 4 Overweight Female Police Officers Try to Arrest Male Shoplifter 

    And the 4 involved will probably get promoted over a man with more seniority, because EQUITY! There is a plethora of videos out there if altercations with criminals where the male officers are wrestling with perps while the female officer just stands around trying to figure out what to do.

  2. I had an overweight female on my former FD. She was OK on the Squad side but struggled a bit in a fire. So she’s already somewhere in the late 200’s and then has to put on 60 or so pounds of gear, complete with SCBA that never really seems to supply your needs even though it’s supposed to be positive pressure, then drag hoses and shit around on your knees on hot floors full of broken glass pushing stuff out the way, so needless to say often she didn’t always come out in great shape, but she was a little sensitive about it. I remember one time I got saddled with Air Officer (because I drove the multipurpose vehicle with the SCBA compressor on it in to that particular fireground)foreground, which meant I filled bottles, swapped them out on guy’s backs so they didn’t have to take the whole rig off, and also was expected to evaluate people before giving them a fresh bottle because you could pretty easily overdo it depending on the manpower and situation, and once you start wheezing into your regulator you’re really not up for helping anyone anymore.

    She got to that point after one trip in, so I told her to go sit down until she could quit sounding like a pre-caller ID obscene phone call. She took umbrage at that and tried to bitch about me to a nearby Squad captain, but it was the ’90s so he just told her I was right and the fact she gasped every time she tried to yell proved it.

    Not sure if that would be the case now.

    Her husband was on the department too, and he thought it was funny, but never let on around her. I think the fact she was married kept it from becoming a feminist rallying point too, plus which the other chicks on the department were thinner and unimpressed with her truculence.

    Only had a couple of female cops, but they were kind of big slabs of Duke, not so much fatty but definitely boxy. One of them was a detective at the time approaching retirement had previously been my babysitter a decade and a half earlier and had been a UC making pot busts at my high school afraid I would recognize her, but that’s a different story for another day…

  3. I saw a video of Officer Diversity Hire of the Chicago PD and her partner having a little gun battle. Her gun jammed which, OK, happens, but she did not really know how to clear it. When she was clearing it, she at one point had the gun pointing at her partner. She also had her hand right in front of the muzzle at one point.

  4. On WTF day they announced we were being forced to have a female on the crew, often challenged with heavy lifting and dirty, greasy work. Worked out though. She was a lady, had the aptitude, and kept her mouth shut. She was reliable, pleasant to be around, and a hard worker. Unlike the guys she did not mind the mundane paperwork, working in tight places, or repetitive work. After about a month other crews wanted to know if she had any friends looking for work! When deployed the men protected her as if she was their daughter.

  5. It drives me insane, obese firefighters, weakling women firefighters, along with cops and emts and paramedics. Back in the day firefighters had to be able to carry dummies out of buildings and down ladders, cops had to prove they could chase someone down, emts, paramedics had to show they could lift patients, just for a few examples.
    I guess that is no longer the case as we have firefighters so overweight they can’t even climb a ladder, women who can’t lift a sack of potatoes, cops who would have to shoot you because they aren’t catching you, but they’re very likely to miss you because they can’t hit the broadside of a barn either.

    A few years ago we were at a track and they were loading someone in the ambulance, the fat emt male driver and chunky female paramedic couldn’t do it, others had to come do it for them, that was after others had to put them on the stretcher. It isn’t like there is much lifting involved to put a stretcher in the back of an ambulance.

  6. Old Racist White Woman
    SATURDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2023, 17:53 AT 5:53 PM
    “It isn’t like there is much lifting involved to put a stretcher in the back of an ambulance.”

    …even LESS nowadays. I had these cot deals that you would pull a mechanical handle and you and your partner would raise the cot manually to full extension, then trundle it to the squad where there were hooks a bar on the top could latch to that would hold the head of the cot while you pulled a lever on the foot and held at height, then pushed it in and the undercarriage would mechanically collapse as you pushed forward until it latched in front of the jump seat.

    Now, they got some battery operated thing that, as long as it’s charged, goes up and down to preset heights on its own so all the tub wheeling it has to do is roll it to the unit and push buttons.

    But rolling the patient to the ambulance is really the EASY part. You have to get them from wherever they are TO the cot, package them depending on the situation, and get them out the door, often in situations where they can not or will not cooperate.

    Case in point, one I remember was this fellow who tipped the Toledoes close to a quarter ton, was unsurprisingly diabetic as a result, was blind and neuropathic because of the diabetes, drunk himself stupid one night. then fell down a narrow ass side staircase into a fully inground rock basement under his shotgun shack. I wasn’t a bodybuilder by any means but I was appropriately strong for my height and weight, but bro outweighed me by a couple hundo easy and, along with all that OTHER stuff, had broken some bones on the way down AND was roaring in pain when not singing drunkenly. My male (that night) partner wasn’t slight either but we knew we were outmatched and needed additional equipment along with manpower Pronto, so we called for the rescue truck and a half-dozen other stalwarts who, with the cops, splinted dude, strapped dude to backboard with bashaw and C-collar, strapped backboard to Stokes basket, hauled dude SIDEWAYS up the narrow staircase to the strains of singing and swearing, took backboard (the heavy oak kind) and all out of Stokes and into cot, CARRIED cot, backboard, and dude over his sloping and not particularly trim yard, THEN we got to shove all of the foregoing into the squad as described above, all the while guarding for puking which would require us to tip the entire backboard/dude assembly onto its side.

    You can see where a little chick would just kind of be in the way.

    And there’s other stuff you need strength and upper body mass for too. Back in the day we had to do CPR with two hands (they have this oxygen powered gizmo now), and belive me repeatedly smashing a grown man’s chest hard enough to be useful pops a LOT of calories, and you have to keep it up all the way to the hospital unless you get ’em back along the way. Oh, and you have to shove that aforementioned oak backboard (reminicent in size, weight, and shape to the lid of a coffin) behind them or all your pumping effort will just shove them ineffectually into the mattress.

    Chicks and fatties, and fat chicks, could fill some roles and tech can help; but to do the most good for the most people a strong, thin young man gives you the greatest range in the fastest problem solving in any situation with the least manpower.

  7. Thanks to bowing to ridiculous demands of political correctness, we haven’t just lowered the bar in every area where once we demanded certain standards be met (including medical, educational, and judicial), we’ve tossed it into the trash. This is embarrassing. Infuriating. A herd of of dumb cows trying to arrest one suspect.

  8. Merry Poppet

    Ur taking this the wrong way. This is our enemies committing slow motion suicide. I’m good with it. Encourage it. Especially is Law Enforcement. Mean while, join a gym, get in shape.

  9. SNS, the type they had wasn’t electric, but still you roll it up to the back of the ambulance and basically push/pull it in and the legs fold up as it goes.
    The fat guy it took him forever to even get to the patient. It wasn’t a huge deal, someone got too hot and passed out and banged their head as they were falling. They were treated and released a few hours later from the hospital, it was just the principal of the matter that neither of them were capable of doing their job.
    Since my husband used to be a firefighter and EMT it drives him really crazy. He’s always saying there’s no way he would be a firefighter today, these idiots would get him killed. He also says that’s why so many houses burn to the ground anymore, they’re too out of shape to go in and put out a fire so they just squirt water on it to keep it from spreading. lol He got extremely mad one night at the track when they were trying to take bp on a person, they had their little automatic bp kit that the batteries were dead in. They were screaming for batteries and he asked them if they didn’t have a manual one on the ambulance, they did, but then didn’t know how to take it manually. He literally had to tell them how to do it. Which to be fair half the nurses anymore don’t know how to take a manual bp. For whatever reason anytime someone takes his bp with an automatic bp it always shows his bp to be through the roof, I don’t know if it’s error on their part or an error with the machine or if the thing squeezes too hard causing it to go up. So he insists on manual bp and almost every time they have to go find a different nurse that knows how to take a manual bp. I’m always like what is so hard about it? I learned at 12 years old because my mother had high bp and had to check it twice a day, she couldn’t do it on herself(this was way before automatic) so the doctor taught me how to do it.

  10. Old Racist White Woman
    SATURDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2023, 20:43 AT 8:43 PM

    …yes, the kids can’t do anything by palp now. My wife was in the hospital and only has one arm they can use for IV due to a lymph node issue in the other, and they tried to do everything with this light gizmo that shows veins, but only in a 2D projection on the skin. It’s cool and all but didn’t work, they had to find an older nurse who actually did the thing with ripping her glove on one finger so she could actually palate to get ‘er done. The BP thing is retarded because it never really fits and they sometimes do weird things like put it on a forearm, then get ridiculous readings because it’s a stupid thing to do. They have cool EKGs that they completely ignore the alarms on because there’s so many nuisance ones, and they’re so paralyzed by protocol and procedure that I had to save my son’s life IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL ROOM because the nurse couldn’t get ahold of a doctor to authorize Albuterol THAT WAS ON THE DAMN CRASH CART OUTSIDE during an OBVIOUS anaphylaxis WITH TELEMETRY SHOWING DETERIORATING SpO2!

    …also, it was a paud ambulance service so I don’t expect a ton from them anyway, but my mother was getting a non-emergency transport from a hospital to a rehabilitation facility and the paid service sent an ambulette with a little girl and a tubby guy who got lost for a half-hour because he couldn’t find the shitter in the hospital, so we talked awkwardly to his partner for 30 minutes till he and their cute li’l all-electric cart wandered in.

    They don’t package accidebt patients any more, MAST trousers and traction splints are apparently too hard, and they *WALKED* my mother-in-law, broken neck and all, to the front door one time when she fell because they couldn’t figure out how to use a Stair Chair in my hallway.

    They even screwed the ABCs up. That used to be your primary assessment goals; Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. The last time I took CPR at a fire station they told me they stood that on its head where you do chest thrusts before anything else b/c the kids are squeamish about respirations even with a barrier. And I had them truck a patient out I had been doing CPR with using this oxygen operated piston affair that was creepy because they tied his hands to it so it looked like he was holding it, Creepiness aside, not sure what happens if this gizmo isn’t working right or how they feel if they’re getting the job done.

    Machines are fun, but machines don’t work all the time. Batteries go bad, calibration is off, shit happens. Humans need to recognize and compensate when they don’t.

    Probably what happened with ventilators. With a bag valve mask or your own lungs, you’re not going to blow someone’s lungs out.

    With a ventilator, you sure as hell can.

  11. SNS, one thing I see on automatic bp machines in the dr. offices is they always put air tube/hose on the back of the arm. I told a nurse one day that maybe that was why it reads his bp so high, she told me no that is the correct way. Whatever I guess. I just know they can read his bp with a manual bp cuff and his bp will be close to normal somewhere between 117 to 124 over 75 to 78 every single time. With the automatic it will read anywhere between 130 to 160 over 90 to 110. He told me one day to bring our manual set to the doctor. Before the nurse came in to do vitals he told me to check it, then they came in and checked it and he told them what I had just got. They refused to use mine and said it might not be calibrated. I told them I had just bought a new one, paid a lot of money for it because it was clinic/hospital grade and had a lifetime warranty on calibration. So they go find a manual cuff and check it and it’s within 1 or 2 top and bottom of what I got. Every since then they don’t fight him on it and find a nurse that knows how to take bp. They claim it’s not their machine it’s him getting anxious about the machine causing it to go up. Okay, whatever.
    I remember when their big deal was the ear thermometer, it was supposed to be the most accurate thing ever. I had a doctor tell me I had a temp of 103. I laughed at him and told him if I had a temperature that high I would know it. He argued with me and I told him feel my skin and tell me you really believe I have 103 temperature. He finally tells the nurse to find an oral thermometer and check it and it was 98 degrees. So then everyone in the office starts using the ear thermometer to take their temps and they all had 102 or 103. I was still laughing when I left.
    Now of course they just do the infrared thermometers, I’m not sure if they’re accurate either because when my husband was in the hospital and this was right after covid when they still were making you wear masks in the hospital and having to have your temp taken when you walked through the doors and only one visitor at a time. Every single time my temp was 96.2, for the entire week he was there, it was the same and I had to have it checked every single morning, either on my way out in the morning so one of the kids come in or on my way in after being out in the cold. Downstairs something was wrong with their boiler system and it was like an oven, I would be sweating and it still showed the same.
    We all laughed about it because all of us always had 96.2 temp.
    Then in the hospital room they had some kind of thermometer they ran across the side of his face, they told him he had a temperature and started freaking out he had covid. He told them they were nuts he didn’t have no temperature and to check it orally and he didn’t have a temp. They still forced him to have a covid test though because their thermometer was screwed up. After that though they always checked it with an oral thermometer. Sometimes the old ways are just better, although I don’t think they even make the old mercury thermometers anymore. lol

  12. Overweight, no upper body strength, short (guess reasonable height requirements went the way of weight requirements for first responders and police) diversity hire heifers didn’t have a chance to make a decent arrest.

    This happened in Chicagistan. No support from their supervisor who suggested they let the perp go and they physically were unable to subdue him.

    In a normal world they could have kneed the perp in the back of his legs, he would have fallen down. Then, they could have taken turns leaning on top of him until he was handcuffed. But, thanks to G. Floyd the Feloniois, this so called arrest turned out to be farce.

  13. Here on the Serengeti we observe four Wildebeests attacking a retarded Vulture.
    Watch as the Wildebeests surround their prey and close in for the kill. With, seemingly, no chance of escape, the retarded Vulture performs the “Shuck and Jive” along with the “Bob and Weave” maneuvers and runs off into the night.

  14. Wild Kingdom
    SUNDAY, 26 NOVEMBER 2023, 4:52 AT 4:52 AM
    “Here on the Serengeti we observe four Wildebeests attacking a retarded Vulture.”

    We’ve asked Jim to go down and poke both of them with a stick. Observe how quickly both forget their animosity to team up and attack Jim. Boy is Jim going to be sore after this one!

    This is why Jim’s family is happy that Jim is insured by Mutual Of Omaha, for all his sudden death on the Serengetti needs. One day Jim may trip while outrunning a wildebeest, and when that day comes, Mutual Of Omaha will be there for those he leaves behind. Mutual Of Omaha allows Jim to poke with confidence, knowing they have him covered.


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