Argentina’s president-elect reaffirms promise to shut down central bank – IOTW Report

Argentina’s president-elect reaffirms promise to shut down central bank


Argentina’s president-elect, Javier Milei, reaffirmed his campaign promise to close down the South American country’s central bank.

The upstart libertarian posted his intentions on X, formerly Twitter, on Friday responding to what he said were “false rumors” that he would walk back on the pledge amid indications that he is retreating from his promise to ‘dollarize’ Argentina’s economy. Milei also appears to be selecting a more moderate cabinet than his campaign rhetoric indicated, according to Reuters.

In a press release reposted by Milei’s official X account, the President-elect stated that the closure of the country’s central bank is a “non-negotiable.”

The libertarian candidate was elected Argentina’s new president this week after rising to prominence as a television commentator who railed against government spending and the ruling political class of the country. MORE

6 Comments on Argentina’s president-elect reaffirms promise to shut down central bank

  1. Hola, Hillary? Buenos Nochas! We know it’s not really your country but, if we agree to make you our next Evita, will you bring your expertise to this guy our proles elected, por favor? We promise we will use Dominion in future to make everything as it should be, and to donate our country’s wealth generously to your excellent foundation, cash only.

  2. If he is naming more moderate people to his candidate, it may be because he is in the same position that Trump was in 2017. Being something of an outsider with a number of positions to fill, he has to take peoples’s word for whom to pick. Let’s just hope Milei doesn’t pick a bunch of Mike Pences.

  3. “One of Milei’s key—and controversial—promises was to eschew Argentina’s own currency in favor of the American dollar as a way to end the runaway inflation, which has exceeded 140% recently. This plan is called ‘dollarization.'”

    Bad timing, perhaps, as our dollar is close to blowing up and taking the Western World with it.

  4. “Bad timing, perhaps, as our dollar is close to blowing up and taking the Western World with it.”

    He should probably consider a gold-or-silver or gold-and-silver based currency.
    Tying Argentina’s currency to the capricious whims (or nefarious machinations) of the maggots at the Fed is somewhat iffy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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