They Had One Job – IOTW Report

They Had One Job

Diverse group of Navy women had one job to do and they failed miserably.


It’s a troubling sign when our military prioritizes diversity over defense. But sadly, this aligns with the progressive obsession for celebrating “firsts”—be it the first female president or the first cross-dressing, luggage-stealing Department of Energy employee. However, the problem with this unprofessional approach is the shift in focus from the actual job that has to get done to aimlessly promoting a laundry list of social issues. When you lose sight of the primary objective and concentrate on the superficial fluff, your mission is doomed. This is particularly true for the US military, where losing focus can mean death. They nearly learned this lesson the hard way, thanks to a diverse group of Navy women who missed the runway and ended up landing in the water.

USNI News:

A Navy P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol airplane is in Hawaii’s Kaneohe Bay after attempting to land on a Marine Corps runway Monday afternoon, according to Marine Corps officials. more

31 Comments on They Had One Job

  1. Yeah, but are these “women” real (XX) women or the newfangled (XY) wimmins?
    Just like the little ladies in space who lost their handbag, this type of crap just reinforces the stereotypes of women. Misogyny for the win!
    Diversity is our strength, don’t ya know!

  2. In reply to “Don Draper”, I finally received my driver’s licence in 1968 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I had to drive up the steep MacDonald’s Hill and parallel park facing upwards. This was done on December 28, 1968 in snow and ice. ONLY when I successfully completed this feat, was I granted my driver’s licence.
    Since then, I think everyone (men and women) should be required to perform this action on snow and ice before receiving their licence to drive. I have been involved in 4 accidents, ALL caused by the other driver NOT paying attention or doing something stupid while driving. Thankfully, the accidents only caused property damage and not injury.

  3. If you have your trim set correctly, an airplane will take off and fly by itself.
    Landing, not so much.
    When we had our flying breakfast, a guy was coming in for a landing and about 500 feet off the ground his engine died. He was able to coast in for a landing. I told him that we had a mechanic available, he replied, “Oh that’s just the car gas”.
    Later I heard that the same thing it happened again about 2000 feet off the runway, he didn’t make it.
    Stupidity and flying don’t mix well.

  4. Update:
    There is a place where real (XX) women do fight, and successfully.
    I just watched a bit about the all female Israeli tank crew. And get a load of this nugget:

    “Hila, also a commander, told Channel 12 that none of them had been trained on the weapons system installed on the armored Humvee. “Within 10 minutes, we’d all become experts: how to run it, how to fire, how to slam the brakes,” she said.”

  5. This is not my Navy. Call me old fashioned but I preferred it when women were in support roles only. And I’m still undecided whether or not women belong on ships because of too much hanky panky going on mixing young women in with a lot of horny young guys. And queers both male and female absolutely do not belong on ships.

  6. Women soldiers don’t bother me as much as the faggots and trannies do in the military. During WWII women played a big role in the war. They were pilots, and some of them hold world records to this day flying. My mother was an examiner of uranium at Oak Ridge, TN during the war. I don’t like women cops. Saw 4 fat black women cops trying to take down a man, they failed. Every woman cop I’ve seen trying to do what men do is amusing.

  7. From what I read, the ‘diverse’ crew is based out of the East Coast. The flight that went off the runway was based in Washington State and more than likely was either all male or a mixed gender crew.
    -Former USN here.

  8. Women can do a good job in many cases, but diversity hires never in my experience have been even minimally competent. If they aren’t good enough to pilot any and all aircraft elected officials fly on, they don’t belong in the military in the first place.

  9. Interesting how the USA WASPs (Women Airforce Service Pilots) of World War II sucessesful piloted many types of planes and helped maintain aircraft even though they weren’t officially military.
    They were highly skilled, unlike the bunch of diverse imbeciles who couldn’t land their plane. .
    (Note the elite actually did some good back in the day)

    The difference between now and then is the current generation of US women pilots are trained in leftist activism which they are experts. However, they have poor reading and math skills. Also, common sense is lacking. Diversity won’t fix any if these deficiencies.

    During wartime, without proper training, diversity hires will cause way more harm than good. Exactly what enemies of the United States within the gate want to happen.

  10. ““Oh that’s just the car gas”.”

    A lot of small planes under 300 HP are placarded (approved by the FAA) to use ‘car gas’. If the guys was flying one of those, probably wasn’t the fuel.

  11. Cmn¢¢guy
    SUNDAY, 26 NOVEMBER 2023, 12:55 AT 12:55 PM
    “Big Momma
    I’ve always thought that if the drivers seat was moved out to the left front fender, there would be far fewer accidents.”

    …I drove a couple of flat faced midengine pampers in my time, and the arrangement was such that the driver’s seat was just a skin and a dashboard from the front bumper and in front of the LF wheel instead of behind it like most cars. It’s a different set of reflexes when you move that far out and over, and you have to pull out into an intersection further before turning because the wheels you’re steering with are BEHIND you, but yeah, you DEFINITELY have a superior view of the left side of the vehicle and the road/cars immediately adjacent.

    We had a strict driver’s training program in my day. If you “curbed” the engine while driving, Code 3 or no, you owed everyone on board a pack of cigarettes and an apology. They weren’t as expensive as they are today, but were still pretty high relative to a young man’s pay, so it was a pretty effective incentive to get better or quit driving.

    I also learned to not 2 foot drive (one on the brake, one on the gas) from driving a rescue truck that seated up to 8 in profound discomfort on bare metal benches oriented front to back with NO outside view so none of the guys in full gear could know to brace if you did something stupid, so you’d have some SUPER angry guys pile out the back if you two footed them, buy that’s a different story for another day…

  12. Anyone remember the USS Fitzgerald? It collided with a commercial ship in part because to of the female officers of the watch were in a running cat-fight and wouldn’t talk to each other.


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