Suspect in Dublin stabbing was charged with knife possession in May this year but never convicted – IOTW Report

Suspect in Dublin stabbing was charged with knife possession in May this year but never convicted

Daily Mail:

The chief suspect in the multiple stabbing that left a five-year-old girl fighting for her life was arrested earlier this year for possession of a knife, the Irish Daily Mail has learned.

The man, originally from Algeria, has been living in Ireland for the past two decades. He took Irish citizenship more than a decade ago.

The man, who is in his late 40s, has come to Garda attention several times in the past year. more

10 Comments on Suspect in Dublin stabbing was charged with knife possession in May this year but never convicted

  1. Not just “having a knife on him,” but having an illegal knife – like having too long a pocket knife in most States… or a dagger, or katana (ready to gut a Democrat!), etc.

    Or is it just plain illegal in Ireland to carry ANY knife? How about a fishing knife? Got several of those (and machetes 🤣).

  2. ^^ Choose a “corrective action:”

    (1) Airline tickets to country of choice.
    (2) Bus ticket to Mexico.
    (3) Slow boat to China.
    (4) Rail car to Hawaii.
    (5) Impalement, decapitation or throat slitting.

  3. If we didn’t know any better *cough*, we’d have to conclude that governments around the world are destabilizing their societies by allowing people who shouldn’t be in the places they are, with the mental illness and violent tendencies they have, to commit random crimes that are inevitable, against people they don’t even know, so that it’s never far from our minds that the default is our communities are unsafe.

    In 2015, Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate killed Kate Steinle in so-called sanctuary city San Francisco with a gun that was stolen from a U.S. Bureau of Land Management ranger’s car. The shooting was ruled an accident. Jose had been deported FIVE times back to Mexico (or so they say). He was found guilty in 2022 of a felony gun possession charge and sentenced to SEVEN years (against a sentence already served). The judge in the case is an Oblowme appointee.

  4. Then all the “authorities” involved need to be castrated on live TV and then set on fire. You failed your people for the sake of some 3rd world goat fuckers… you ALL die.

  5. If the “premise” for the existence of government is a a protector of society (even so-called conservatives point to the “provide for the common defense” line in the Constitution – as if it is some blanket excuse for endless government waste and war), then when the government DOESN’T provide defense, doesn’t prosecute those that harm others (despite stealing to pay for a court system, etc.) and actively encourages terrorists into the country, isn’t it far past time to abolish the government? Maybe even time to realize that government is actually our enemy, and that we would be far better without?


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