Illegal Chinese Pot Grows Are Taking over Maine and Law Enforcement Isn’t Stopping Them – IOTW Report

Illegal Chinese Pot Grows Are Taking over Maine and Law Enforcement Isn’t Stopping Them

AZ Sun Times: llegal marijuana grows run by Chinese nationals have sprung up all across the state of Maine, and residents say law enforcement isn’t doing enough to stop their spread.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) identified 270 suspected Chinese illegal marijuana grow operations in the state that could be making an estimated $4.37 billion in revenue, which are often used for more criminal activities or are sent back to China, the DCNF exclusively reported in August. The DCNF visited dozens of properties identified as suspected Chinese marijuana grows by the DHS memo, as well as other locations reported to be possible Chinese marijuana grows by The Maine Wire.

Maine offers marijuana legalization, making it the perfect place for such operations, according to experts and officials who spoke with the DCNF. The lax laws, combined with record illegal immigration to the U.S. under the Biden administration, which has also limited deportations, provide cover to the grows. more here

23 Comments on Illegal Chinese Pot Grows Are Taking over Maine and Law Enforcement Isn’t Stopping Them

  1. The legalization push has got teenagers blasted out of their minds, even though it’s illegal for a sub-21 yr old to acquire a recreational marijuana card. They openly do it anywhere with their vape pens and super concentrated THC levels. I regularly smell weed and spot someone huffing a pen or joint in their car at a stoplight. Especially gas stations, it’s more uncommon to not smell weed while filling up my tank.

    PCSO puts out videos of kids getting busted on YT – The kid pulled over is high as frig and he calls his friend to come. The kid that shows up is also blasted out of his mind. Both of them are like, “what’s the problem, it’s legal.” and “I smoked a LONG TIME ago, 2.5 whole hours.” The deputy comments about St. Patrick’s day when everyone used to drink, now they’re all high.

    At the end of the day, I consider weed better than liquor, but not when you’re doing it all hours of the day. At least with liquor most people hold off till the evening and don’t do it while driving.

    My town has 4 dispensaries now, last year it had none. Meanwhile regular honest business is being run out. This shit needs to stop. But it’s not going to because democrats want to entrap votes for weed or just sit on the couch and don’t vote for orangemanbad.

  2. MMinWA
    MONDAY, 27 NOVEMBER 2023, 10:03 AT 10:03 AM
    “Hard to believe so much of this crap is being smoked. Seems like most of this country is zonked out.”

    …yup. Ohio “legalized” it, now I have to drive around in RECIRC all the time or my cabin will fill with skunkweed fumes from random passing young jackasses taking at Cheech and Chong levels while speeding down a highway. The company I work for used to be SUPER strict about drug testing (factory), but they had to give it up or they’d have NO non-Muslim workers under 40 any more.

    One of the managers saw two temps toking down in the parking lot and emerge smelling like Pepe LePew, and bitched to the temp service on-site rep. That worthy just shrugged her shoulders and said, “that’s all I have, you can have them or no one”.

    Young folks seem to like three things now; being high, killing babies, and Communism so they don’t have to work.

    I suspect those things are related.

    And it’s no accident.

  3. Smoking pot made people stupid 50 years ago and it’s even worse now that so many states have legalized it for recreational use. Idaho and Texas may be the last holdouts to legalize pot’s use and even then, people still smoke it illegally. I gave it up in 1975 and won’t ever smoke the shit again.

  4. The Legislature voted on a bill to kick them oout. The Soros funded Dirty Democrats voted it down.
    They make too much money on taxes when shops sell it.

    Just in So. Portland we have over a dozen pot shops but hey, the City Council banned flavored vape oil!

    The leftist run Legislature and Janet Millsstone have driven the state down the drain.

    They legalized pot, legalized baby killing up to moments before birth, legalized gambling, legalized prostitutes and have made us the 3rd lowest income avg while also making us the third highest taxed state in the country.
    Mills has mandated no gas vehicles sold in state by 2035. (good luck with that)
    They have brought in thousands of unvetted illegals from Africa and plan on bringing in 75,000 more in the next few years.
    We are a state of 1.3 million people.
    The state GOP is almost completely spineless.

  5. geoff the aardvark
    MONDAY, 27 NOVEMBER 2023, 10:40 AT 10:40 AM
    “I gave it up in 1975 and won’t ever smoke the shit again.”

    …today’s dope is FAR more potent than the Sonny & Cher-era ditchweed you and I remember back in the day.

    And that’s BEFORE anyone mixes in synthetic or real opioids to make it more addictive.

    …interesting that, while the rest of the things civilization made are allowed to fall into a crumbling, entropic ruin, the only things that HAVE been “improved” in the last two decades are the things that are actively destructive and lead more to sin…

  6. geoff – I gave it up about the same time as you… largely because I had other interests that being high interfered with. Whether then or now I think having other interests and goals is key to avoiding drugs… and SNS is right – Pot today is more a designer drug than what we had 50 years ago!

  7. Just read a story on California’s biggest (legal) weed distributor declaring bankruptcy. Over taxed, over regulated, and unable to compete. The government could lose money running a brothel.

  8. Yup.
    We got one a few miles north of us.
    Two chinks moved into an old hunting lodge with tiny cabins.
    All of a sudden there were 200 amp entrances at each 20 by 20 cabins.
    Gave the vehicle info to a local MDEA man and never heard back while the grow grows on.

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