Alberta Defies Trudeau, Shields Power Companies From Federal ‘Clean Electricity Regulations’ – IOTW Report

Alberta Defies Trudeau, Shields Power Companies From Federal ‘Clean Electricity Regulations’

GP: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Climate Alarmist policies have been causing a series of political and legal struggles of late.

From facing a united front of Provincial Premiers aligned against it, to seeing part of the legislation associated with it struck down by a court decision, it hasn’t been easy for Trudeau to impose his climate lunacy to the whole of Canada. more

7 Comments on Alberta Defies Trudeau, Shields Power Companies From Federal ‘Clean Electricity Regulations’

  1. Alberta Shmalberta. Pffft.

    The Calgary Stampede was a good show back in the day. We used to travel to attend. It’s been a woke Charlie Foxtrot for decades and home of the template that is used to push the same horse shit out to the rest of North America. Calf roping with a jerk down rule and no six second rule… GTFOH. No mark out rule in the rough stock events, give me a break. Fucking goat rodeo.

  2. Canuks used to be some of the toughest hombres on Earth – why they haven’t pulled this degenerate asshole limb from limb is a mystery. I guess, like England, too many good men died in the European wars of the last century and left the back-benchers to procreate – raising generations of sissies and morons.

    Of course, the United States suffers the same disease.

    “One more such victory and Pyrrhus will be undone.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Germany is getting ready to throttle back energy for heat pumps and EV’s as the grid can’t keep up. It will be the same in the US in 2-3 years unless we elect people with common sense and fire all the unelected morons that make this stuff up.

  4. Up until Justin, the worst Prime Minister was Pierre Trudeau. Now, Castro’s Little Bastard has overtaken the number one spot.
    And in the fashion of all Left-wingers, Justin likes them young. Simply review his NDA with an underage girl (rumours it was actually a boy) after being fired from a private school where he was teaching.


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