Federal Judge Orders FBI to Hand Over Evidence in Former DNC Employee Seth Rich’s Murder Case within 14 Days – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Orders FBI to Hand Over Evidence in Former DNC Employee Seth Rich’s Murder Case within 14 Days

GP: Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC and Podesta’s emails to WikiLeaks during the 2016 election. 

Clevenger has been attempting to get to the bottom of who supplied the DNC and Podesta emails to the DNC for several years now.  This was always the key to the Russia collusion nightmare.  If Russia didn’t supply emails to WikiLeaks (the FBI has never asked WikiLeaks who supplied the emails by the way) then the Russia collusion story was built on a lie.

After years of denying they had anything related to Seth Rich, the FBI and DOJ were caught lying over and over again.  In September, a judge finally demanded the FBI and DOJ provide all they had in regard to Seth Rich and the FBI responded requesting another 66 years before releasing the information.

Now, a Federal Judge has just ruled the FBI must hand over evidence regarding former DNC employee Seth Rich’s murder. more

SNIP: Weird stuff. It’s almost like the feds are nervous because we’re about to find out Rich was a one of their assets who ‘turned’ on them. You know, allegedly.

20 Comments on Federal Judge Orders FBI to Hand Over Evidence in Former DNC Employee Seth Rich’s Murder Case within 14 Days

  1. why not immediately?
    what is the point of waiting 2 weeks?
    I’m sure these items have by now been completely cataloged, organized, filed, numbered, and stored.
    they should be able to be sent off to the court in a matter of hours, not weeks.
    just sayin….

  2. 7 years is more than enough time to alter everything linking his murder back to Hillary and Co. Its like the Jan. 6 videos. Do you honestly think we’ve seen what was truly recorded?

  3. Sure everyone lies but butt the honest 🤞Trumpy-frumpy-dirtbags. Deflect, lie & create wild witch stories. Nothing but the best witch hunt stories, dees will save his mob boss from sumtin.


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