He Heard a Thud. – IOTW Report

He Heard a Thud.

Florida Bulldog: Peter Antonacci, Gov. Ron DeSantis’s handpicked choice last year to lead the state’s controversial new elections fraud office, collapsed and died in a hallway in the governor’s office moments after “abruptly” leaving a contentious meeting on Sept. 23, 2022.

That Antonacci, 74, was stricken in the governor’s office was kept secret at the time. Instead, authorities only said he died while at work in the Capitol building, of which the governor’s office is a part.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement records released to Florida Bulldog also say Antonacci lay dead or dying on the hallway floor of the governor’s office for more than 20 minutes before anyone apparently noticed and came to his aid. More precisely, 24 minutes, in a hallway under real time video-only surveillance.

By the time a Capitol police officer arrived a minute or two later and hooked the pulseless Antonacci up to an automated external defibrillator (AED), the machine that can administer a life-saving electrical shock to victims of sudden cardiac arrest assessed Antonacci and advised that “no shock” was needed.

The meeting Antonacci attended that day was in a conference room in the governor’s office. An FDLE report says the attendees were Secretary of State James “Cord” Byrd, his general counsel Bradley McVay, FDLE Commissioner Mark Glass, FDLE Chief of Staff Shane Desguin, FDLE director of executive investigations Scott McInerney, Antonacci’s deputy Scott Strauss and two men and three women tagged only as “unidentified.” Elsewhere, however, one attendee is identified as FDLE general counsel Ryan Newman. more

10 Comments on He Heard a Thud.

  1. “By the time a Capitol police officer arrived a minute or two later and hooked the pulseless Antonacci up to an automated external defibrillator (AED), the machine that can administer a life-saving electrical shock to victims of sudden cardiac arrest assessed Antonacci and advised that “no shock” was needed.”

    …I saw another article that tried to make this seem more sinister by saying “the machine failed to shock”. Not every rhythm is amenable to cardioversion (stupidest line on any medical drama: “He’s flatline! SHOCK HIM!”), and no AED but a high-end Physio-Control one even offers the OPTION to force a defib if it doesn’t see a shockable rhythm, so yeah, if you’re discovered dead in a hallway and have been for some time, you’re probably in both asystole and your eternal home at this point, neither of which you can be “shocked” out of ever again.

    …that said, isn’t this highly sensitive building equipped with monitors, patrols, and just tons of people going to and fro to their jobs and restrooms and breaks and such? Doesn’t anyone think it a tad odd an old guy in a suit crumpled up outside of a meeting room for a nap? Did the cop, or anyone else, do anything but “hook up” the AED to the guy, like CPR, or just shrug when it said “SHOCK NOT ADVISED. CONTINUE CPR” and say dude had a full life, I’m out?

    AEDs are cool and all, but they only do one thing, and often that one thing isn’t the thing you need the most. You still gotta get handsy if you expect guy to have any shot at all, and they can have dead batteries, not be put on properly, be stuck on a hairy chest and so not read, slide off on sweat, etc, so if this is the -ONLY- thing you bring, just go get a sheet to cover the corpse instead and quit pretending that you’re being useful or actually give a shit, because your results say your not and your actions say you don’t.

    Unlike the kid earlier, this dude DID have known heart issues and aggravation does not help that not be a problem. Plus, 74. Also, probably jabbed because, Government. Also, not a guy there’s any real political benefit in assassinating.

    Not sure why the secret unless someone didn’t want to hear all the speculation at the time or dude actually died masturbating and they had to put pants on him first, but overall I don’t see the death of a 74 yo flunky with a fun heart hx being all that out of bounds, unless someone wants to make political hay with it.

  2. Brad
    THURSDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2023, 12:47 AT 12:47 PM
    “If Ronda loses this debate tonight he better start running for a dog catcher position.”

    …I suspect the media will name the Democrat the ‘winner’ regardless of what actually happens.

    Kind of like the 2020 election.

  3. SNS

    The fix maybe in. All of a sudden Hannity thinks Newsom is cute or something. If DeSantis just goes by the two states economic data he wins. Easily. This should be a walk in the park. Pretty easy to push Newsom off balance. I’d pull a couple Trumpish moves and ask why his wife was sleeping with Harvey Weinstein.

  4. Has Newsom ever had a national audience besides a news clip? If not, considering his ranking for the Democrat nomination, he has nothing to lose and everything to gain. (I don’t watch TV any more so I’m clueless on how all the candidates are seen/heard in the media.)

  5. Hannity is a cuck.

    A COOF coward and an NWO shill.

    A pompous gasbag telling the latest in GOP-E lies when not indulging in on-air fantasies of physical prowess.

    Cuddling with Nanking Newsome just seals the deal.


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