Lee County Republican Assembly Sends Letter to Speaker Mike Johnson Calling for Congressional Hearings on Compromised Election Machines – IOTW Report

Lee County Republican Assembly Sends Letter to Speaker Mike Johnson Calling for Congressional Hearings on Compromised Election Machines

Urges America Contact Mike Johnson to Demand Election Integrity.

GP: Florida’s Lee County Republican Assembly sent a letter Friday to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson, calling on him to investigate and take action against the use of corruptible voting machines nationwide.

The letter suggests “special hearings to discuss our vulnerable computerized vote counting systems and to propose solutions that produce accurate election results that all American voters can trust.”

The Assembly further calls for secure, transparent, accurate, and fast elections using paper ballots and hand-counting at the precinct level. A resolution, sent with the letter, cites massive evidence that the machines are compromised, including the Halderman Report, illegal internet connection on voting machines, Georgia’s “major cybersecurity deficiencies” recently identified by Obama Judge Amy Totenberg, and other expert or whistleblower testimony regarding voter fraud. 

These same issues were repeatedly admitted by the left and the fake news media until they finally took Trump out of the White House with a fraudulent election. more

Read the full letter to Mike Johnson below, and contact Speaker Johnson to demand election integrity hearings: call 202-225-4000 or 202-225-2777

9 Comments on Lee County Republican Assembly Sends Letter to Speaker Mike Johnson Calling for Congressional Hearings on Compromised Election Machines

  1. How much does it cost American taxpayers these “Congressional Hearings” that never lead to anything conclusive?
    The scoundrels who demolished America are always running around, making fun of honest people…

  2. Vote fraud is TREASON and must be punishable by death or it won’t go away.
    The reason that it isn’t is because “both” parties profit by it.

    Why America won’t wake the fuck up is the only mystery – and my guess is that it’s still too comfortable, even with burgeoning inflation and the insanity saturating our lives.
    But when the filthy fukkin ragheads go on their killing sprees we may see some reaction.
    Self-defense may expand into purge – though I doubt it – too many traitors, sissies, and maggots in gov’t, the Armed Forces, and law “enforcement” – and the DOJ and courts are DEFINITELY infested with hate-America traitors.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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