Zelensky Upset Israel Is Cutting Into Ukraine Funding – IOTW Report

Zelensky Upset Israel Is Cutting Into Ukraine Funding

Zelensky: World ‘Shifting’ to Help Israel Is Hurting Ukraine’s War.

Breitbart: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told the Associated Press in an interview published Friday that “only the blind” cannot see that his country has lost attention and support following the Hamas atrocities against Israel on October 7, which prompted an ongoing war to eradicate the terrorist organization.

Zelensky promised he would “fight for attention” for his war against Russia, particularly in the United States, where he warned “there may be weakness” in the will of Congress to spend more money on weapons for his country.

Ukraine has been at war with Russia in some form since at least 2014 when the regime of strongman Vladimir Putin began supporting separatists in the nation’s eastern Donbass region in guerrilla warfare efforts against Kyiv. more

21 Comments on Zelensky Upset Israel Is Cutting Into Ukraine Funding

  1. …whelp, Z, once your big counteroffensive whups Putin’s butt, why don’t you just march your little bottom on down to the Mideast and settle Palestine’s hash too?

    G’head, prove yourself worthy, funny man.

    We’re waiting…

  2. ‘“there may be weakness” in the will of Congress to spend more money on weapons for his country.’

    …we have neither weapons nor money any more, thanks to what you’ve been gifted with already, less the Big Pedo’s 10 of course.

    We’re tapped.

    Go peddle your papers elsewhere, we ain’t buying.

  3. The weakness of Congress is reflected daily by its inaction on the southern border, inflation, spending, increasig their salary and office expensesand their failure to reel in Biden’s unconstitutional spending.

    Weakness is a total failure on the part of the Biden Administration. Weak President, weak Congress weak federal agencies = a Weak and vulnerable America.

  4. Biased, deliberately slanted article. ‘Russian strongman Putin began supporting separatists…’. Bullshit. ‘After the US/NATO supported coup installed Ukrainian government accelerated attacks on ethnic Russians in the Donbas Putin began negotiations to resolve the potentially genocidal attacks on by the western installed puppet government’ would be an equally biased statement but arguably much more accurate and informative.

    Bogus article from what used to be a pretty reliable news source.

  5. Had all the cash and hard assets sent to little man been used for its intended purpose instead of being stolen by him, his cohorts and most likely a half diverted back to DC politicians, they’d have enough to last into the next century. Most have no concept of what 100-billion dollars represents.

  6. Boo effin hoo to Zelensky and the ukes. I’d rather that American money went to Israel and not the ukes. They ukes take care of themselves; Israel needs our help more because they are in a life-or-death situation for their survival for their nation and all the Jewish people as well. And the consequences if the IDF doesn’t completely and utterly destroy Hamas etc. are far greater for world peace than helping the ukes. Zelensky can go eff himself with his dancing piano playing pecker.

  7. And Putin still can’t do much. I like the video I saw the other day, a Ukrainian drone chasing a Russian soldier who was trying to take a pee. The Russian ended up pissing all over himself.

  8. “Weakness is a total failure on the part of the Biden Administration. Weak President, weak Congress weak federal agencies = a Weak and vulnerable America.”

    Weak my ass! They are, with malice aforethought, destroying this country one city at a time. They are winning. We are sitting with our thumbs up our asses.

    How are they “weak?”
    England couldn’t whip us.
    Mexico couldn’t whip us.
    Germany couldn’t whip us.
    Spain couldn’t whip us.
    Japan couldn’t whip us.
    Nicaragua couldn’t whip us.
    Panama couldn’t whip us.
    Grenada couldn’t whip us.
    Vietnam couldn’t whip us.
    Korea couldn’t whip us.
    Iraq couldn’t whip us.
    Afghanistan couldn’t whip us.

    But the Demonrats are driving us to ruin. Yeah, you should be so weak …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Oh, you poor little boy. You have everything you will ever be blessed with in this life. You may want to think about what happens in your afterlife. You won’t have any of the riches we have provided for you. And you will be alone. No one will care.

  10. Sing it with Hank: https://youtu.be/bciFny5ysrQ?si=NVVU5noxZd7nsiUr

    Oh! the gold rush is over so honey bye-bye
    Stake out your claim now on some other guy
    I’ve wined you and dined you till my money is gone
    But the gold rush is over and the bum’s rush is on.
    Now when I had the money honey, things were just fine
    You spent my money like I was a mine
    But now you mistreat me ’cause my money is gone
    So gold-diggin’ Mama, you can start moving’ on.
    You shoveled out the sweet talk when the pay dirt was big
    But now all you shovel out is just a dirty dig
    Well, stop digging honey ’cause you’re wasting your time
    This old gravy train is at the end of the line.
    You’ve been out prospecting all around on the side
    But this old mule now, has had his last ride
    So start walkin’ woman ’cause your grubstake is gone
    The gold rush is over and the bum’s rush is on.
    Oh! the gold rush is over so honey bye-bye
    Stake out your claim now on some other guy
    I’ve wined you and dined you till my money is gone
    But the gold rush is over and the bum’s rush is on.

  11. JD Hasty, I love Hank Snow’s music. I have his greatest hits CD and that’s one of my favorite songs along with 90 mph down a dead-end street and Hank Snow’s Hello Love which Garrison Keillor used to use as his intro music on A Prairie Home Companion years ago.


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