If You Liked The Ukraine War, You’re Going To Love This One – IOTW Report

If You Liked The Ukraine War, You’re Going To Love This One

By John Mills (Col, USA, Ret)

The failure of enforcing the Monroe Doctrine is coming home to roost. Ed Martin of the Eagle Forum convened a timely gathering on November 30, 2023 on the importance of the Monroe Doctrine and appeared on Warroom to discuss.

Venezuela, a key proxy of China who hosts a heavy footprint of Chinese, Iranian, Hamas, and Russian advisors is now looking to invade next door Guyana. Evan Ellis discusses this mess in a recent article. Evan is an excellent source.

Bottom line, this puts Maduro of Venezuela at odds with another China proxy, Lula of Brazil. Brazil will likely fight if Venezuela invades Guyana.

This situation is the latest in the chain of brushfires that the CCP is setting. Ukraine, Hamas, the Tanker War, aggression against the Philippines, the Panama Canal Crisis, and now a full blown war in the Americas.

China is now setting fire right in our front yard and staging a fight club among its own proxies. A twofer in the campaign to take down America. more here

14 Comments on If You Liked The Ukraine War, You’re Going To Love This One

  1. 4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It would take amazingly few people shot in the face to calm things down globally. I’m thinking 40~50 tops would put the brakes on a whole shitload of fuckery being foisted on the world stage.

    Killing is not new, not unprecedented in conflict resolution. Our entire history is littered with such. Such are the keynotes of our documented history. But far too many are the civilians and soldiers of their respective polities.

    Those people weren’t the source of the problems. It was the ones wore suits that were made just for them. That never shined their own shoes. That rode in the back seat of cars instead of driving.

  3. Lowell
    At the upcoming IOTWREPORTS Xmas party you and I need to tip a few and swap stories. You obviously have a unique vantage point I’m dying to know about.
    I’ve been machining defense parts since I was 18. I was enrolled in a Mechanical Engineering Transfer program sponsored by NASA. During that time I was working for various machine shops in the Bay Area. That’s before silicon chips invaded the place. About 75% though that program I realized I was lots happier making parts than engineering shit. (Funny now, cause that’s all I do all day long). The point I want to make is the U.S. Military couldn’t keep your family safe in bed at night without military primes like RAYTHEON, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrup Gruman, etc, etc. If you think our military is smart enough to figure out what weapon systems they need next, you gotta another thing coming. These companies proto this shit on their own dime for the most part. And proto is always where my biz was involved where I met some brilliant MoFos. Scary smart. For the last 12 years we do work directly for the U.S. military. You know how many brilliant people I’ve met? Zero.
    Bottom line, thank your lucky stars for companies like Raytheon.

  4. @Anon

    War has at times solved problems that could not be resolved in other ways.

    Some others seemed to have solved nothing without considering context. WWI was a useless bloodbath, no argument there. But WWII was the real result of 1914-1918, and it ended the problem of German militarism and expansionism, at least so far.

    As for our Vietnam war, it turned out to be a brutal slaughter of thousands of innocent Vietnamese non-communist civilians – shot, poisoned by Agent Orange, blown apart by B-52 strikes, and napalmed – all without solving any problem our government was trying to elucidate. It was a nightmare for US troops and Viet civilians alike.

    But for the Vietnamese communists, the sacrifice of war solved a problem all right.

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