Mullet Man Peenalized – IOTW Report

Mullet Man Peenalized

LWC: Christmas came early for content this season. A cornfed unit of a man, one with the second most glorious mullet we’ve seen go viral this year, was being chased through a Nashville mall by police. Until the cop put him down with a taser.

Unfortunately, in the heat of pursuit, the officer did not consider the girthiness of the target when the taser was deployed. It was only enough voltage to drop him momentarily. The dude was able to get back up. watch

18 Comments on Mullet Man Peenalized

  1. …I’m just shocked to see a high occupancy shopping mall with actual customers in it. You sure this mullet isnt period accurate and this was actually shot in the ’90s?

  2. dee
    SUNDAY, 3 DECEMBER 2023, 10:48 AT 10:48 AM
    “yeah our mall’s been condemned and still stands”

    I’ve got 2 in my area that are condemned and pending demolition, and I’ve worked in various capacities in both of them in their heyday. One of them I was there when they built a second floor for inline stores on the entire mall from anchor to anchor to anchor, because occupancy demand was so high.

    Then the Internet started the slide, maurauding gangs of yutes unchecked because, equity accellerated it, and then the Democrat Disease finished them off.

    These were great economic engines in their day, particularly for youth employment, and it was wonderful to be able to look, hold, try on, actually evaluate something before buying it.

    There were ups and downs working them, but I have no ill will towards them and will be sorry to see them go. They were amazing physical structures, good climate controlled places to hang out for free, and provided pretty good taxes and jobs to the places where they were.

    There’s only so many McDonald’s, so I don’t know where the kids get entry-level jobs these days without them.

    Apparently, they don’t.

  3. …on another topic, why do modern cops have so much trouble controlling people after detaining them now? I don’t remember NERALY as many folks running away after meeting a PR-24 as do from tazers, not to mention getting out of restraints, escaping police vehicles, and even stealing them at times…

  4. SNS
    SUNDAY, 3 DECEMBER 2023, 11:19 AT 11:19 AM,

    The spectum of force is the problem. There are too many choices now. Things ahould to back to words, grasp, hickory, lead. Or maybe words, then lead.

    “If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.”

  5. “…After all that though, the man reportedly got off easy. Instead of a trip to the Metro Nashville Jail, he was only issued a citation.

    I guess the officer wasn’t too pissed off. (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist)…”

    But he did tell mullet boy, “I let you off easy this time, but urine a lot of trouble if you try that again, son.”

  6. Urinating I’m a Bass Pro? I doubt that porker has seen his pecker since he was a toddler.

    And then there is this:
    “After all that though, the man reportedly got off easy. Instead of a trip to the Metro Nashville Jail, he was only issued a citation.”

    As long as there is little/no meaningful punishment, this shit will continue. Guaranteed.

  7. ^^^^sns/sippin covfefe

    IMHO….Back in the late 70’s policemen had….
    talk, wood baton, leather slap, pepper spray, then hot lead….

    Policemen tended to try and talk people down….because everything else escalated to physical force….then death.

  8. OTOH, back in the day people were moral, law-abiding, (some what) God-fearing even if they were running from the law. The mystery of lawlessness is in full swing now and LE (and we as a country) are reaping what has been sown.

  9. Mullet Man runs fast for a fat man.I
    Not top sure about his endurance though

  10. He should have been forced to work their clothing section: folding clothes, hanging clothes, no talking no bitching… Only to have someone come back and knock all the shit off the tables and racks, then be forced to re-fold and re-hang again.

    Yeah, it’s kind of a Greek Mythology punishment, but hey… why not? His fat ass can get a workout. lol


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