Private Jets in Europe Intended to Take Leaders to Global Warming Conference Got Grounded Over Snow – IOTW Report

Private Jets in Europe Intended to Take Leaders to Global Warming Conference Got Grounded Over Snow

15 Comments on Private Jets in Europe Intended to Take Leaders to Global Warming Conference Got Grounded Over Snow

  1. It’s hard to believe that people get sucked into this climate garbage.
    But then I remember the IQ of this generation has dropped on the average of 10 points. The climate elites are globe trotting from one party to the next at the expense of the dumbed down tax payer.

  2. Jeez Loueez, it’s not global warming, it’s climate change. The climate changed from clear skies to snow and our crack meteorology team didn’t see it coming.

  3. OMG – if this global warming gets any worse, we will all freeze to death!

    Remember, above all, everything and I mean everything that happens is due to climate change. Rain, no rain, hurricanes, no hurricanes, snow, no snow, accumulated brush left to pile up near power lines leading to out of control wildfires – you guessed it.

    And possibly the best one attributed to climate change – mass migration by illegals. Somehow they got from Africa and Asia to our southern border and we know they can’t swim. Hmmm

  4. Anyone who so much as opens their mouth about what others should use or not use due to Global Warming or Climate Change or what ever euphemism is the current name for their bullshit should not be allowed to use anything they proscribe for others under penalty of being hung. I mean that literally and without reservation.

  5. Everywhere I look, perfectly good homes are being torn down and replaced by much larger 4,000+ square foot McManisons. What is the carbon footprint of the destroyed home, the new materials – and then the additional energy requirements to heat and cool the new open floorpans?

    I’m willing to bet that these new homeowners think that climate change is an existential threat. Why don’t we house shame them? Why don’t the local communities limit the construction of these new homes? More revenue from higher property taxes? Hypocrites

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