Speaker Johnson Demands the Biden Impeachment Move Forward – IOTW Report

Speaker Johnson Demands the Biden Impeachment Move Forward

IS: During an appearance on “Fox & Friends Weekend,” Speaker Johnson and House GOP conference chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) discussed a possible floor vote on a formal impeachment investigation this month.

“It’s become a necessary step. Elise and I both served on the impeachment defense team of Donald Trump twice when the Democrats used it for brazen, partisan political purposes. We decried that use of it. This is very different. Remember, we are the rule of law team. We have to do it very methodically.” more

13 Comments on Speaker Johnson Demands the Biden Impeachment Move Forward

  1. …guess his Deep State masters told him it’s time to move Pedo along.

    Up next, President Mooch, Hillary, or Gwelo Gavin, after Kamala is “encouraged” to take a Supreme Court job due to the untimely passing of Clarence Thomas from his unfortunate passing due to his suicide by holding a pillow over his own face…

  2. @Inspector SNS – “…the untimely passing of Clarence Thomas from his unfortunate passing due to his suicide by holding a pillow over his own face……”

    I beg to differ. I have a clue that it will be three shots to the back of the head, in the Supreme Court law library.

  3. Uncle Tom, grifters gotta grift.
    Impeachment Dems say thank you. They claim they don’t even have to campaign for an office. The GOP is all they need. Sit back, eat popcorn & enjoy the show. The Dems are looking at a trifecta, the Presidency, the House & the Senate. The House, couldn’t pass a bill if their life depended on it. All that the House has left is succumbing to their MAGA base to try & save face even if that means they have no proof, just a nuttin burder. They wanted this from day one of his Presidency.
    Come next November the GOP will only have themselves to blame for losing it all.

  4. stirrin the pot
    SUNDAY, 3 DECEMBER 2023, 12:39 AT 12:39 PM

    “I beg to differ. I have a clue that it will be three shots to the back of the head, in the Supreme Court law library.”

    …with different calibers, none matching the gun found on the scene?

    ….yep, so many kill themselves that way, particularly when they feel bad for opposing anything Hillary wants, one guy even stuffed his own body in a gym bag and locked himself in it, he felt so bad about hurting her feelz…


  5. “we are the rule of law team”

    Riiiiight. Then all of the Congress should resign or be fired…

    …for breaking Constitutional law OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and ….

    …for over 100 years.

  6. By the time republicans get off their asses, Joey will be dead or out of office. Three years into this fiasco and the GOP is about as worthless as those brown GOPs of poop on the streets in Calipornia

  7. Anon, so why his he placing any importance on impeachment? Hell, we are going to have trouble voting as a majority. Trying his best my homesick ass. He’s a stooge.for the deep state.

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