Pfizer Could Be Open to LAWSUITS for DNA Sequence in Covid-19 “Vaccine” – IOTW Report

Pfizer Could Be Open to LAWSUITS for DNA Sequence in Covid-19 “Vaccine”

(The Epoch Times)—Pfizer and its partner BioNTech could be open to lawsuits for including a DNA sequence in their COVID-19 vaccine, according to several lawyers involved in vaccine-related litigation.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act largely shields COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits, but companies can be sued for “willful misconduct,” which includes acts taken “intentionally to achieve a wrongful purpose.”

“I think what we have here is willful misconduct,” Mat Staver, chairman of Liberty Counsel, told The Epoch Times.

The Pfizer-BioNTech, in testing by outside scientists, was discovered to contain a Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence despite the public never being told about the sequence.

Regulators in Canada and Europe have since acknowledged that the companies did not highlight the sequence and that they should have, although regulatory submissions did show the full DNA sequence of the vaccine plasmid. more

8 Comments on Pfizer Could Be Open to LAWSUITS for DNA Sequence in Covid-19 “Vaccine”


    (that means I still get the saline so I can pretend to nit be above the law. Honestly, these people are SO stupi…what, the mics still on? Well, s CLICK!)

  2. Not concerned about lawsuits. Would rather see those bastards suffer the same fate as my brother. Start with actual shots, no placebo this time, then move onto Remdesivir and a ventilator.

  3. You cannot patent something that occurs naturally in nature, but there is a patent for coronavirus. There are seven patents for coronaviruses known to infect humans. So it didn’t come from a pangola and a bat.

    US10130701B2 patent is assigned to Pirbright Institute. Funded by OIE, WHO, the European Commission, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
    They should all be charged.
    Another money laundering scheme, with the added bonus of killing people.

  4. Barking up the wrong tree if the objective is to hold the individuals MOST RESPONSIBLE accountable. Big Pharma is home to absolute subhuman filth, don’t get me wrong. But they were just a conduit through which money was designed to flow to elected officials and Deep Staters.

    That has been apparent from the get go. In a just world everyone involved, from the janitor at Pfizer who knew the score, it didn’t come forward right up through government officials who took”campaign contributions” or had investments in Pharma and/or medical supplies and especially the media would be stripped of all assets and die shitting in their pants while being hung.

  5. Like any other disease or illness….that’s seen a huge increase in spread in the last 50 years….

    There’s no incentive for the medical/pharma industry to cure anything….curing a disease or illness costs them money….

    We have and deal with diseases and illnesses that they want us to have….

    Prove me wrong.


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