GLEASON: Maryland State Board Of Elections Creates Dire Constitutional Crisis – IOTW Report

GLEASON: Maryland State Board Of Elections Creates Dire Constitutional Crisis

CDM contributor Chris Gleason has been way out in front in proving and confronting election fraud across the nation.

He is at again in Maryland, confronting the election fraud cartel.

You can read his latest below:

From: PublicRecordsRequest ElectionData <>
Date: Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Your PIA Request to the MD State Board of Elections

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

At what point exactly is the Maryland State Board of Elections and their co-conspirators in the various county boards of elections going to stop lying to “We the People” about the administration of elections in Maryland? It is very clear that under the direction of the Maryland Board of Elections a dire Constitutional crisis has been created.

We are going to request one final time that you kindly provide the data and public records previously requested as you are legally required to under both Maryland and Federal law. This duty to provide “PUBLIC RECORDS” related to the administration of Federal and Maryland elections is mandatory and non discretionary.

We have now made countless lawful requests for public records and data that you are the custodians of. Your inactions and refusals to provide these “election records” are inexcusable.

How has the Maryland Board of Elections legally certified ANY election in Maryland since 2015?

If all Maryland Elections have been administered on ES&S voting systems, Runbeck Ballot Duplication Systems and Clear Ballot systems, that have modems and network devices attached then under your direction Maryland Elections have been illegally administered on voting systems with either VOID EAC Certifications or NO EAC Certifications. If it is your official legal position that this is not the case kindly provide the EAC Certifications for the use of ES&S, Runbeck and Clear Ballot systems that have modems, use of wireless, use of TCP/IP, use of Infrared, use of wireless and the use of FIPS cryptographic modules. MORE HERE

11 Comments on GLEASON: Maryland State Board Of Elections Creates Dire Constitutional Crisis

  1. I think the idea that there’s a gigantic fix in elections is yesterday’s news. Today’s news is that the hacks infesting the US government are out to enslave us, literally.

  2. Merryland, as all-demonrat bastions, when caught, do the same MO … over & over.
    they slow-walk it until no one cares anymore & the opposition either runs out of $$$ or changes who to go after

    … same ol’ same ol’

    Merryland is a lost cause … too many fed g’ment workers & those that depend on fed $$$ … same scam going on in Northern VA & the fed-dependent Norfolk & Richmond areas

  3. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, yup. I was in MD for 41 years. They are either on the gubbment dole, or the gubbment dole. If you aren’t part of the project you are part of The Project.

    It’s an insidious shithole.

  4. All of my jobs I was on the dole. I worked at PAX doing telco shit (Federal Systems), then I went to DC as a Special Services Clown (wouldn’t exist without DC being a fucking political shithole), then I went to ABC (as an engineer, not editorial, please don’t hang me). I was always on the dole, or the extended dole.

    I just thought I was a telephone man.

  5. Did anyone else notice that Montgomery County had more write ins than the votes for PDJT and bidet combined!? Fascinating…


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