George Santos Announces Ethics Complaints Against Top RINO Tormenters and One Democrat – IOTW Report

George Santos Announces Ethics Complaints Against Top RINO Tormenters and One Democrat

GP: The US House of Representatives voted Friday morning on Resolution 878 – the expulsion of House member Representative George Santos.

Democrats and 105 Republican lawmakers voted him out. Republicans now hold only a 3-vote majority in the House. This was not one of their finer moments. These same GOP lawmakers could not even impeach DHS Secretary Mayorkas, but they gladly tossed Santos out the door.

This was the first time in our nation’s history that a lawmaker was expelled from Congress for being accused of a crime. George Santos is an innocent man. He was never found guilty by a court of criminal conduct. The RINOs didn’t care. They voted him out anyway.

But George Santos is not going quietly. The conservative Republican announced over the weekend that he is filing ethics complaints against several of his top New York tormenters. MORE

10 Comments on George Santos Announces Ethics Complaints Against Top RINO Tormenters and One Democrat

  1. I hope he succeeds.

    This vote to remove an innocent (not proven guilty) person is unconstitutional, another of the many ways Law and Order is being trashed, and every RINO that voted to dump him needs to be primaried or run out on a rail.

    Justice is being laughed at in our government.

  2. “Bush republicans” have been democrats since the backed lbj; maybe longer. For the young; when Barry wsa asked why he and Ronny worked the phones to get votes against Nixon; he said; “For me its personal. I cant prove the “Bush Republicans” elected LBJ – BUT I CAN PROVE THEY DID NOT WORk FOR ME!!!!?%”.” !!


  3. Dis makes sense. A crossdressin drugaddict fraud wants to drag queen where? Here you go, lets march him out New Years Eve at Times Square, let his lil balls drop then & right there. His face won’t last long behind bars, while facefucked his smartass mouth will be the end of him.

  4. Innocent, where,when,who certainly not GEORGE SANTOS. But thats ok. Known fact Republican’ts DON’T HAVE THE BALLS to EVER do something like this. Be it cowards, chickens or their inbreds, no gonads to do the RIGHT thing, period!!!!

  5. George’s happiest days, dressed as a South American drag gueen.
    But it is always good to know deep, very very deep down inside that lost place, you all just love a cross-dressin faggot.


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