Judge Nullifies Louisiana Election Race Democrat Won by One Vote After Discovering Fraudulent Ballots – IOTW Report

Judge Nullifies Louisiana Election Race Democrat Won by One Vote After Discovering Fraudulent Ballots

The Politics Brief:

Louisiana Supreme Court Justice E. Joseph Bleich declared the results of an incredibly tight 2023 election race null and void on Tuesday.

Democrat Henry Whitehorn seemed to have beaten Republican opponent John Nickelson by a single vote in the Nov. 18 runoff election for the Caddo Parish Sheriff election. Officials confirmed three extra votes for each candidate throughout the recount, and Whitehorn stayed one vote ahead of his opponent.

Nickelson filed a lawsuit, asking a fresh election and contesting the results. He said that the procedure was hurried and that illegal ballots were cast in the election. Several persons were discovered to have voted both by mail and in person. more

11 Comments on Judge Nullifies Louisiana Election Race Democrat Won by One Vote After Discovering Fraudulent Ballots

  1. I feel most conservatives at a young age grew up competing in sport learning about fair play and honor. And on the other hand the fucking weak sister Libtards, who every buddy hated, grew up cheating and lying their way through life. Nothings changed and the libtards have just gotten better at it. Fuck them.

  2. Proves that even in the little races, we need to be united in our voting.
    What a novel idea for the United States.
    Some really smart guy set it up, liars and cheaters stole the vote. Doing what they do best.

  3. Brad makes an excellent point, and I would take it further to say that the underlying reason conservatives are less inclined to cheat is their awareness of a higher power who troubles their conscience about such ill-gotten gains. Those who claim to “level the playing field” through lying, cheating, and stealing are simply defending the indefensible, even if they sincerely believe in the righteousness of their actions. And we all know what that’s called — false pride.

    Though I do wonder if John Nickelson had won but was aware of cheating that favored him if he would demand a recount and a nullified election in the name of election integrity. Politics, after all, is the devil’s playground.

  4. An honest judge?
    In Louisiana?
    The home of Huey Long, Ray Nagin, and Mary Landrieu?

    Knock me obah widda feddah!

    Didn’t think it was possible.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If eleven people voted twice, then eleven people need to be in jail. Although the occurances of extra votes is probanly hard to ascertain after the fact. Uet another reason to only allow voting in person. If you can’t make it that day, sorry Charlie, better luck next year.


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