Butt… Did He Really??? šŸ˜‚ – IOTW Report

Butt… Did He Really??? šŸ˜‚

Loud Fart Erupts: John Kerryā€™s Speech on Climate Change Overshadowed by Audible Call to Reduce Personal Methane Contributions (VIDEO)

A loudĀ fartĀ sound can be heard as the former secretary of stateĀ was lecturing about the climate scam,Ā the New York PostĀ reported.

21 Comments on Butt… Did He Really??? šŸ˜‚

  1. Kerry’s dumb. If he’d been on the ball, he’d have farted and then immediately looked to his right or left to cast blame on somebody else. But no. He stupidly tried to pretend it didn’t happen.

  2. “Swalwell, AOC, and now Kerry.”
    I’m no proctologist, nor do I play one on TV.
    But it sounds like these DildoCrats are having regular sphincter straightening and enlarging therapy sessions.


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