Arkansas Blocks Foreign ‘Young Turks’ Host Cenk Uygur from Democrat Presidential Primary Ballot – IOTW Report

Arkansas Blocks Foreign ‘Young Turks’ Host Cenk Uygur from Democrat Presidential Primary Ballot


Turkish radical leftist Cenk Uygur has been blocked from appearing on the Democrat 2024 presidential primary ballot by Arkansas election officials.

Uygur, who was born in Turkey, insists that he can overcome the U.S. Constitution by running for president.

The Constitution is clear that a U.S. president must be born in America, which Uygur wasn’t.

The requirements for president a, in fact, very simple: A candidate must be at least 35 years old and “a natural born citizen.”

However, Uygur argues that the Constitution’s requirements amount to “bigotry.” more

17 Comments on Arkansas Blocks Foreign ‘Young Turks’ Host Cenk Uygur from Democrat Presidential Primary Ballot

  1. If he wants to mount a campaign for a Constitutional Amendment, he is more than welcome to do so. However, as it stands now, it can’t be ruled unconstitutional as it is specifically what the Constitution says.

    I doubt, though, that he would get much support for such a change.

  2. It’s almost as if Jefferson and the other founding fathers had a crystal ball and saw this asshole trying to run 240 years in the future. Too bad they didn’t define “natural born” so the Kenyan fag couldn’t run.

  3. Uygur argues that the Constitution’s requirements amount to “bigotry.”

    Uncle Al argues that Uygur’s explicit repudiation of the Constitution amounts to bigoted sedition. He should be stripped of his naturalized (NOT natural born) citizenship and packed off to where he came from, namely Istanbul.

  4. One of the early jokes in Demolition Man was we amended the Constitution to allow Arnie to be President. That was in 93 before we saw how much of a squish he was as Governator.

    A clown like Cenk doesn’t have a chance

  5. It sounds like Cenk has a beef with Tom Jefferson, et al. He needs to take it up with those guys.

    And yes, they were all white males and many of them were racist. Cenk needs to deal with it and move on instead of making his current claims of racism.

  6. The Supreme Court did rule long ago the any person born to at least one American citizen anywhere in the world is considered “a natural born citizen”. IE: McCain born in Panama, Loser Barry – mother a citizen, all the anchor babies born here to non-US citizens. Sounds depressing.


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