This Thread Is Only Gonna Break His Heart – IOTW Report

This Thread Is Only Gonna Break His Heart

29 Comments on This Thread Is Only Gonna Break His Heart

  1. Heā€™s still got his hairā€”assuming that’s not a wigā€”and no beer gutā€”assuming heā€™s not a chain smokerā€”so heā€™s got that going for him. But something about him screams ā€œgayā€. And Chris Isaac ainā€™t helping.

  2. I can guarantee you that this guy used to be a regular at his local karaoke bar. You know, when karaoke was still a thing. He had a list of songs that he considered his “set” and would get pissy if someone else sang “his” songs.

    Source: Used to work in a karaoke bar. This guy can be found in a any karaoke bar, anywhere, at any time.

  3. Tony R Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 8:44 at 8:44 am

    When he sobers up, show him the videoā€¦ he might never drink again.

    All the while he’s driving others to drink! I’m cracking up at all the comments! šŸ™‚

  4. I can really appreciate the original recording after that.

    Someone let him know about out the young lady looking for a sperm donor. Dedication like that should be passed on to future generations.

  5. looks like the Love Child of Lyle Lovette & Dr. Johnnie Fever

    …. & it may not break his heart, but he may break a hip

    naaaaaaah, God loves little kids & old drunks


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