Biden delays menthol cigarette ban after black leaders tell him it’s racist – IOTW Report

Biden delays menthol cigarette ban after black leaders tell him it’s racist


The Biden administration has delayed its ban on menthol cigarettes after strategists warned President Biden that it could negatively impact his support among black voters.

Leaders in the black community claim that the ban would foster an underground market and cause police to target black smokers in a disproportional manner, the Washington Post reports.

Since the black community has drastically dwindled its support for Biden over the past few years, the president’s administration isn’t taking any chances despite updated health guidance from the FDA and CDC.

According to data from the CDC, 81 percent of black smokers opt for menthol cigarettes. more

21 Comments on Biden delays menthol cigarette ban after black leaders tell him it’s racist

  1. Where in the Constitution is the authority? Seriously, is there ANYTHING this guy does that is NOT TREASONOUS or unconstitutional? Not that HE is actually doing anything more than crapping his pants and wandering aimlessly through the White House every day while his treasonous, elder-abusing puppetmasters pull his strings.

  2. “Seriously, is there ANYTHING this guy does that is NOT TREASONOUS or unconstitutional?” -MrLiberty

    This guy? Don’t forget the entire Congress.

    From orbit.

  3. 40yrs ago when I stopped smoking, the last cigarette I smoked was a Newport. Bought a pack & put a stop smoking patch on & smoked a few & that was that never smoked again. Nasty cigarette & a nasty habit.

  4. Biden delays menthol cigarette ban after black leaders tell him it’s racist

    And that’s why weed is here to stay. Call it racists and the racists back down – every time. Back in 2016, black doctors were calling for the ban – so this isn’t Biden’s rodeo. I may be old, but I do have a good memory:

    Black Doctors Call on Obama to Ban Menthol Tobacco Products
    Federal research shows 83 percent of black adult smokers and 72 percent of underage black smokers prefer menthol-flavored cigarettes.

  5. You know if you over look the health risks, expense, the way they make your clothes, house, and car stink, the way your breath smells like death, and the occasional fire smoking is pretty cool


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