What Would Happen If The US Stopped Supporting Ukraine? – IOTW Report

What Would Happen If The US Stopped Supporting Ukraine?

AFP: Over the weekend, border-policy negotiations between Senate Democrats and Republicans fell apart. The talks were meant to firm up Republican support for the president’s massive $105 billion military support proposal ahead of Wednesday’s vote by including additional funds for border security in the spending package. Now, with no imminent approval of further aid to Ukraine, hawks in government and the media are trying to stoke panic about what will happen if Kyiv is cut off from US support.

In a letter to Congress Monday, White House budget director Shalanda Young told Congress the funds will dry up by the end of the year:

I want to be clear: without congressional action, by the end of the year we will run out of resources to procure more weapons and equipment for Ukraine and to provide equipment from U.S. military stocks. There is no magical pot of funding available to meet this moment. We are out of money—and nearly out of time.

Young goes on to forecast disaster for Ukraine if more money isn’t allocated. But is that really accurate? Are the Ukrainian people doomed if Washington stops funding the war?

If we’re going to understand what might happen in the absence of US involvement in Ukraine, we must first understand Washington’s actual effect on the war, the true nature of which has been laid out brilliantly in a series of recent columns by Ted Snider.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began with a bombardment of cruise missiles on February 24, 2022. Later that day, infantry and armored divisions rolled in from Russia, Belarus, and Crimea while paratroopers dropped in around the capital city of Kyiv.

Days later, as the shock and confusion of the initial offensive began to dissipate, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky attempted to set up indirect talks with Russian president Vladimir Putin. Zelensky called then–Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett and asked him to contact Putin and to serve as a mediator. Bennett agreed. more

22 Comments on What Would Happen If The US Stopped Supporting Ukraine?

  1. Love you American guys and gals, very much.

    Been to Russia in the 1990’s. Learned to speak with them. Met many friends whom we still email back and forth. What I found out, they think like we do.

    Just read the messages under the story. No Freedom-of-Speech issues (even though it is “RT” — “Russia Today”)…What divides us are the Central Bankers and certain politicians who learned how to steel our hard-earned money.


  2. We would slow the rate debt increase ever so slightly. Either that or the republicrats will find a way to hide funding in other appropriations bills. Otherwise, if we actually cut off funding to Ukraine, I don’t GAF what happens to them. They deserve what they get for getting in bed with our sleazy politicians.

  3. They left out the part about the whole debacle starting because Jackass Joe shot his mouth off about Ukraine joining NATO. Which was a surprise to Ukraine.

    Gee, I guess (stolen) elections really do have consequences.

  4. Well, take my word for it, we stopped supporting the Uke about six weeks ago. Not sending a lot to the Israelis either. Now Taiwan, that’s a different story. Just sayen.

  5. Tricks r for kids. This is no trick. Putin will not stop. Looks like the far right wants our troops to enter. The President has powers to engage & your are pushing the envelope.

  6. ” Looks like the far right wants our troops to ente”

    Did you just get here from Mars? That would be the Libtards fool.
    “The President has powers to engage”
    War powers acts belongs to congress asshole. I mean really, how fucked up can yo be? Oh wait, you’ve been watching MSNBC haven’t you. What a loser.

  7. Everyone knows, any promise from the US government is a shit sandwich, always has been and always will be. And they say the Jews are super smart… not that one apparently.

  8. I hate to put a damper on all these Ukraine supporters, but the Ukraine is nothing but a money laundering gig for Biden and a lot of Demoncrats and RINO’s. I think as a country we have totally and completely ignored the Monroe Doctrine which basically says keep your ass out of everyone else’s problems but your own.

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