Washington Post Staff Go on Strike amid Mass Layoffs as Outlet Suffers Major Losses – IOTW Report

Washington Post Staff Go on Strike amid Mass Layoffs as Outlet Suffers Major Losses


As the Washington Post suffers eye-watering losses, the embattled newspaper’s employees have just launched a major strike.

On Thursday, over 750 Washington Post employees launched a 24-hour strike.

The strike is one of the largest labor protests in decades.

The walkout comes as the Post is anticipating a loss of around $100 million in 2023.

Two individuals familiar with the Post’s finances reportedly told The New York Times in July that the outlet plans to eliminate roughly 240 jobs.

According to a Tuesday letter about the strike by The Washington Post Newspaper Guild, the company’s staff has struggled to achieve its objectives in negotiations with management on pay, flexibility, mental health, and layoffs. more

24 Comments on Washington Post Staff Go on Strike amid Mass Layoffs as Outlet Suffers Major Losses

  1. Well…. when they’ve predominantly endorsed Democrats and the people are reaping the results of Liberalism and Wokism I hope their fade away is painfull as hell!

  2. “The Post has struggled to expand its paid customer base since the 2020 election.”

    Because their readers demand to be gaslit with new falsehoods about Trump. All but those with the most hardcore TDS grew tiresome of the same recycled stories.

  3. A $100 million dollar loss is a drop in the bucket for billionaire Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon and the publisher of the Washington Post. He could afford to pay his reporters more except that he’s a cheap bastard to a lot of his underlings. Why do all the billionaire robber barons all seemingly look like Daddy Warbucks (except for Bill Gates who is just a nerd who got lucky) from Little orphan Annie?

  4. “shut down negotiations over key issues, such as pay equity, raises that keep pace with inflation and our competitors, remote work policies, mental health supports…” What a bunch of pussies. Go back to work and do some real journalism. Might just save your job.

  5. FOR BEHOLD MY FIELD OF….well, I think you know the rest.
    If not, ask me, I’ll be glad to fill in the remainder for ya.

  6. to riff off of what Geoff said…..
    In “Citizen Kane” (Orson Wells, 1941), there’s a scene where Kane’s accountant is complaining that his newly purchased newspaper lost $1 million dollars that year.
    Kane’s reply was (to the effect), “so? I have $20 million dollars. at the rate of $1 million per year, in 20 years I’ll be broke”.
    At $100 million losses per year, that would take Bozos 10 years to go through $1 billion dollars.
    And by that time, something else will have made a profit for him to offset the losses.

  7. I haven’t belonged to a union for 51 years, but why would you go on strike when the company you work for is going bankrupt, and amid massive layoffs? You are supposed to strike when the company is doing great, so you can bring about the bankruptcy.


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