What Just Happened? – IOTW Report

What Just Happened?

Never judge a book by its cover.

16 Comments on What Just Happened?

  1. …but this very much reminds me of a White frequent flyer amputee patient and his Black normally abled backdoor neighbor’s shenanigans.

    The White guy won a $4 million lottery, went out and bought the biggest, fastest muscle car that existed right out of the box, wrecked it almost immediately, lost his leg, and then pissed away the rest of his money in a house that he was left in alone after everyone left him when his money ran out, with only a back door neighbor he hated with a passion for company. They always found a way to fight (hiring lawyers and paying medical bills was one way he lost his money), and I picked him up one time after they had done SUCH an excellent job of beating each other up that the police were called, and they were given an option of “jail or hospital”, so you can guess which they both chose.

    Side note; one of the things he beat his neighbor up with was his artificial leg, so the police took it as evidence, so no leg to stand on – literally – at the hospital, which became an issue later.

    We put them in separate ambulances for obvious reasons, but our potato-headed squad captain decided to route them both to the SAME HOSPITAL for some reason. The guy with two legs somehow found out where the guy with one leg was, and made the trip to his treatment bay, forcing us to come out of the squad room where we were writing this mess up and sit on the combatants until the security guard got done taking a shit or masturbating or whatever, and had time to actually do, like, his JOB.

    This was 30 odd years ago so the methods of dealing with it were somewhat more direct. The befuddled security guard (a pre-Coof time so he was NOT an actual LEO) called the local PD because he wasn’t able to deal on his own and we had ambulance things to do and couldn’t sit on their wards all night, and the cops assessed Legoless as being pretty incapable of arising to the challenge and so turned their attention to the still-obstreporous George Foreskin. The doc wanted nothing to do with his pugilistic patient as he, on his two legs, stood at the time, so the police invited him to a private conference at the side of the squad car which apparently leaked oil as the man slipped, and the cops in their enthusiasm to help him up may have accidentally bruised his face a bit more than it already was, pretty hard to tell. After a couple of whoopsies like that, he trudged in between them, head down and maybe with some extra scrapes, to docilely accept his treatment and declare an armistice for the duration of their visit, which Hopalong had few options but to accept.

    Not sure how this incident updated for a modern audience with one less leg and decades of race baiting shook out, but I hope Tony Stubbs had more weapons at home than overdeveloped biceps and a REALLY good lawyer, or he probably got his ass kicked by all dude’s hommies as well as sued to smithereens because, racism, or something, leaving the lawyers to take both arms as he didn’t have a leg to offer for the usual pairing…

  2. Well sometimes that lowest center of gravity pays off big. The guy with legs wasn’t much. Next week he will be competing in women’s synchronized basket weaving. As a woman.

  3. If it does go to court, it’ll be standing room, only, for sure. If the plaintiff’s attorney is outstanding in his field, it could mean the defendant should probably sit down to hear the verdict that could leave the poor guy standing out in the cold of a prison yard somewhere.

  4. Joey knocks on the Wilson door. Mrs. Wilson answers.

    “Mrs. Wilson, can Billy come out to play?”

    “But Joey, you know Billy has no arms or legs.”

    “I know. We just want to use him for 2nd base.”


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