Report: Tucker Carlson Sheds Light on American Citizen Gonzalo Lira Tortured in Ukrainian Prison – IOTW Report

Report: Tucker Carlson Sheds Light on American Citizen Gonzalo Lira Tortured in Ukrainian Prison

GP: During a striking segment of his show, Tucker Carlson highlighted the plight of an American citizen, Gonzalo Lira, who is being held and tortured in a Ukrainian prison. This case raises an alarming question about the United States’ commitment to its citizens abroad and the realities of political persecution, which seems to be resonating within its borders.

Lira, is a journalist, YouTube personality, and ‘manosphere’ writer going by the name “Coach Red Pill.” He is known for his critical views on the Ukrainian government and the ongoing conflict with Russia and has been in Ukrainian custody since earlier this year.

In February 2022, as Russia invaded Ukraine, Lira, who had been living in Ukraine, began sharing his perspectives on the war’s progression and its impact on both Ukraine and Russia. His reports, often critical of the Ukrainian government and President Volodymyr Zelensky, gained attention on social media platforms like Twitter.

Lira claimed he had the opportunity to leave Ukraine but chose to stay and report that which was being suppressed in the Western media.

Reports were that he had gone missing. He has since emerged and said that he was arrested and held by Ukrainian forces, who took all of his electronics, including his phone and laptop. more here

7 Comments on Report: Tucker Carlson Sheds Light on American Citizen Gonzalo Lira Tortured in Ukrainian Prison

  1. The Idiot-in-Charge (Obama) just gave them another $150-175 million dollars. Why doesn’t the moronic state dept use that as leverage? Because only foreign lives matter.

  2. Fascinating and damning interview of the corruptcrat, war mongering, MIC controlled political class. Too bad this interview will never see the light of day in the MSM and other liberal outlets.

  3. Lets keep in mind the sort of citizen we care about when they get detained in this part of the word. Not the legal immigrant from Chile who has been conveying accurate reports about whats REALLY going on since at least May of 2022 .. the kind of truth that might have voided this whole damn mess. I’ve known about this guy from the very start of this situation

    But no, it was the person who is probably a true genetic transsexual who was arrested for violating Russia’s drug laws, although she must have known about them. I mean shes a WNBA player!! If she isnt released, the WNBA might lose literally dozens of viewers. And maybe one or two of them might have been non-lesbians

  4. I watched many of Gonzalo Lira’s reports from Ukraine. I miss them. Sometimes the guy smoked 3 cigarettes in a 15 minute report. That’s not why I miss him, but you couldn’t ignore the fact that he lit one cigarette after another. I’ve prayed for him, but that probably hasn’t made his treatment any better.

  5. Lira was practicing what he saw as journalism and it disagreed with the narrative. One of my favorite clips included a bit where mainstream talkers were interviewing some Ukrainian soldiers regarding Azov and the elimination of nazis in Ukraine, they all insisted it was being accomplished totally. The last shot showed several of them giving the ‘from the hip’ nazi salute. He was making a point.

  6. Lira was practicing what he saw as journalism and it disagreed with the narrative. One of my favorite clips included a bit where mainstream talkers were interviewing some Ukrainian soldiers regarding Azov and the elimination of nazis in Ukraine, they all insisted it was being accomplished totally. The last shot showed several of them giving the ‘from the hip’ nazi salute. He was making a point. If the ‘reporters knew anything, or their editors did, that would have never been allowed to get out.


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