The Most Useless Megaprojects in the World – IOTW Report

The Most Useless Megaprojects in the World

From an empty airport used as a go-karting track, to man-made islands that are sinking back into the sea. And from two fully functional nuclear power plants that were never switched on to the largest abandoned amusement park in the world. This is part 4 of our most useless megaprojects series.

12 Comments on The Most Useless Megaprojects in the World

  1. Globally, I would like to predict that all the HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED Electric Car Battery Plants that governments are rushing to BRIBE auto makers to produce in their HOME states & provinces will be right there at the TOP.


  2. ^^^^ au contrare, mon frere..
    Barry O was a very useful project … just like Hideaway Joe … installed puppets, to say whatever is put in front of them, like a clapping seal … brought off by oceanfront properties, taxpayer-funded foreign wars & incursions that lead to nothing more than the burning of USA taxpayer’s treasure into a simple money laundering scheme (that even a simpleton could see) to those in power & blaming those that oppose this usurpation of Constitutional pawer as ‘haters’.

    when those in power wave loan forgiveness, ‘reparations’ for some perceived abuse whice those taxpayer present somehow must be punished for perceived ‘atrocities’ of the past, carte blanch forgiveness of criminal transgressions for those that violate established law …
    I say we are no longer in a republic … not even considering the fact that we’ve NEVER been a ‘democracy’


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