Loomer: Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum – IOTW Report

Loomer: Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum

Loomered: Now that Nikki Haley is beating Ron DeSantis in several states heading into the Republican Presidential Primary, members of the Washington D.C. establishment donor class have started donating to her Presidential campaign. These donors include JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.

Though headlines have highlighted Hoffman’s $250k donation to Haley’s campaign, few outlets have covered Haley’s largest donor, a Ukrainian-American businessman named Jan Koum. Koum was born in Kyiv, and went on to become a co-founder of the application ‘WhatsApp’. Koum also served as CEO for the ‘WhatsApp’ company until 2018. He is worth an estimated $15.7 Billion.

Jan Koum has been described as the Ukrainian Government’s ‘number one’ philanthropist during the Ukraine War, secretly donating millions of dollars to assist the nation of Ukraine since the conflict escalated in February of 2022. One outlet called ‘The Jewish Telegraphic Agency’ has actually called the Ukrainian War the ‘WhatsApp War’ in an article published in June of 2022. MORE

16 Comments on Loomer: Nikki Haley’s Top Donor Exposed As Ukrainian Billionaire, Key Zelensky Ally, Jan Koum

  1. Yeah, Loomer is often off-the-walls crazy but she also accomplishes a tremendous amount. Hard to pin her down, definitely don’t agree with all of what she says or her tactics, but she brings out truths that nobody else does. And she is certainly dedicated to Trump.

  2. Yeah, Nikki’s out-polling Ron D, but that’s not saying much. I’d give odds of about 50:50 that your randomly chosen Baltimore squeegee boy would out-poll him, too.

  3. “Oh Nicki, you so fine
    Oh Nicki, you so fine you blow my mind
    Hey Nicki!
    Hey Nicki!

    Jamaican, Queens, about to catch a flight
    I’ll be there… 6 o’clock tomorrow night
    Jump off the flight, hit the hotel
    Jump in the shower, I’m musty as hell”


  4. If the GOPes force this warmongering corrupt POS as the Nominee, then the worst enemy of the American People is the Republican Party.

    Not the “Party of Reagan”, but the party of McCain, Romney, Boehner, McCarthy, McConnell, and other smarmy treasonous trash.

  5. I will wager anyone here that if DeSantis and Nikki are on the ballot in the Primary RDS will trounce her.
    And Trump will trounce everyone.

    Sure Jan… the polls they speak of are often funded by the candidates.
    Ramaswamay’s PAID pollster had him beating RDS a few months back.
    Bwahahaha! Nigga was on his PAYROLL!!!

    As for Laura Loomer she is just like the rest of the scummy parasites that attach themselves to Trump.
    Lying grifting batshit crazy ignorant cum-licking festering cunt.
    Dumb bitch will get tossed to the curb soon enough and be hating on Trump in 3..2..

  6. There were irregularities in the 2020 election.
    They didn’t change the results.

    Which candidate sits on the fence?
    1) Nikki Haley
    2) Ron DeSantis
    3) All of the above

    Any candidate, including Trump, that doesn’t have a plan to overcome the dim’s cheating in the 2024 election has a chance. Claiming that “irregularities” in the 2020 election had no effect on the outcome is a clear indication to me that candidate has no such plan.

  7. Anyone who’s a Zelensky ally in any way is also a racist against black people. Zelensky is known to mega-despise blacks and refused them transportation out of conflict areas when both Ukraine and Russia flipped open their pants zippers. Zelensky also uses his azov battalions to persecute non-whites in that horrid place. The sneering homely Haley woman is one of Zelensky’s allies in all that he does.

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