Former Biden COVID official says Wuhan lab leak may have caused pandemic – IOTW Report

Former Biden COVID official says Wuhan lab leak may have caused pandemic

Dr. Raj Panjabi, the former top White House national security council pandemic official, said that COVID-19 may have originated in Wuhan, China, as the result of a lab leak.

“It is plausible that Covid originated in a lab accident in Wuhan,” Panjabi said last week at the annual Forbes Healthcare Summit, The Daily Mail reported. “We have got to do more to keep labs safe.”

He also warned that the world is facing a growing risk of future pandemics.  more

17 Comments on Former Biden COVID official says Wuhan lab leak may have caused pandemic

  1. “We have got to do more to keep labs safe.”

    How about we start by NOT having the French build biolabs in China, and NOT paying them to conduct research that’s illegal to do in the U.S. with U.S. tax dollars funneled through grants to various NGOs. That might be a good place to start…

  2. Right. Dial it back. Let’s call it a ‘possible accident’ in China, now. Since they’re about to invade Taiwan, we need to soften America’s public perception of China. They’re really good boys and girls after all and would never deliberately harm anyone! Those Taiwanese are just war mongers!


  3. …a public execution of Fauci for Crimes Against Humanity and multiple violations of the Nuremberg Laws would have good signaling value to others who may think such labs are a good idea…

  4. During the development of the Atomic bomb, weapon designers were not sure what the bomb might do when tested. I doubt the biolabs have all the answers either, same as the financers of the bio-weapon labs either. Next mistake might be the last one the bunch of fools make.

  5. Slow-walked over 4 years – no outrage – “… that was like over two years ago, man!” – we’ve learned NOTHING.

    We’re a bunch of fucking trained seals – barking, clapping, and blowing horns.

    ALL these motherfucking mass murderers should be hanging from lamp-posts – not just Fauxi – just not right now … the game’s coming on!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Erik the ne’er do well unmasked scumbag
    MONDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2023, 0:42 AT 12:42 AM
    “Full disclosure, I had one of those Punjab motherfuckers save my son’s life.

    I am in his debt.”

    Praise God that he was gifted to be able to save your son. I know what it is to have a child in a medical nightmare, so thank the Lord He strengthened you to the emergency as well. Hope your son is doing well today.

    …my most memorable experience with a Hindi doctor was when I was doing my hospital time as a medic in training, all filled with new book learning and dummy exercises in clean, comfortable training rooms but no real blood and pain experience. I was doing super important stuff like taking blood pressures and cleaning up wrappers when they brought this guy in that fell off a roof, breakings ribs among other structural damage and poking at least one into a lung, but NOT penetating his chest so the lung collapsed and the space filled with air, threatening to wreck the OTHER lung, so a chest tap was in order. Dude was in agony and thrashing about so I got to hold his hands while a nurse held his feet so he wouldn’t clout this little Indian doctor who was about to shove a garden hose into his side so he wouldn’t, you know, die.

    For a guy one lung down and in the verge of losing the use of the other one he sure was vocal, but pain will do that to you; and besides the breakage the doc decided he didn’t have time for li’l niceties like anesthetic so out comes the scalpel for the mostly unprepped slice. This made the victim demonstrate a remarkable facility in cursing me, the nurse, the hospital, God, and life in general, but most particularly the smallish brown man busily gouging a new hole in his drum-tight side.

    In response to this, using what was probably the calmest, most disinterested tone I ever heard anything spoken by any human being, the doctor simply said, very mildly with a thick Indian accent (Think Apu), “Cursing me will do nothing to help you”, as he rammed the chest tube home, giving dude IMMEDIATE relief.

    He calmed right down after that, although I’m sure he was still hurting because he could now breathe semi-normally, and I assume someone addressed his many and varied issues successfully afterwards but it wasn’t me as I had to go somewhere else to get literally pissed on, but thats a different story for another day…

  7. Gray Feather
    MONDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2023, 7:30 AT 7:30 AM
    “During the development of the Atomic bomb, weapon designers were not sure what the bomb might do when tested.”

    …they were PRETTY sure it wouldn’t set the whole atmosphere on fire.

    Not POSITIVE, but they thought it PROBABLY wouldn’t.

    What the hell. Let ‘er rip. After all, if you’re wrong, it ain’t like there will be anyone left to complain, so what the hell…

  8. Doesn’t matter when it started, it’s what happened after it started that matters. Matters not now, it killed millions, disabled millions, and millions are walking around scared $hitless that they’re going to drop dead. That voice in my head saved me and a few others that I warned. A few it did no good, one of them died with the remote in his hand.

  9. And don’t forget the timing; the beginning of an election year, where Trump had an insurmountable lead in the polls, along with a great economy. Something had to be done to stop him, to win at any cost. Hillary had to be avenged!

  10. Tim – FJB
    MONDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2023, 7:39 AT 7:39 AM

    “mass murderers should be hanging from lamp-posts – not just Fauxi – just not right now … the game’s coming on!”

    …you are correct that all the complict must pay, but however much Tim from Accounting may have abetted the process, hanging Tim isn’t going to scare the high ones out of trying it again with another cast of Tims, you HAVE to hang the marquee names quickly and publicly or the others of their ilk will merrily murder on.

    Tim is too often thrown as a bone anyway to deflect and delay judgement from the TRUE malefactors, to give a semblance of justice with no actual justice occurring. No, hang Tim when you can, but better to flip him on a Fauci first, if you want to have the quickest and most effective deterrent for the Mengeles of the future…


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