When locals oppose the green agenda, state and feds officials seek ways to ignore local concerns – IOTW Report

When locals oppose the green agenda, state and feds officials seek ways to ignore local concerns


Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s green ambitions have been on full display as of late. Late last month, she signed into law committing the state to producing 100% of its electricity from carbon dioxide-free sources by 2040. Last week, by way of Whitmer’s executive order, Michigan’s state automobile fleet will be all electric by 2040.

One of the main impediments the state has had in building out wind and solar farms, and the high-voltage transmission lines to support them, is that local communities don’t always like the expansive area of land over which the projects take control.

Energy Expert Robert Bryce keeps an approximate tally of renewable energy projects that local communities in the United States have rejected since 2015. There are over 600 entries so far, and nearly 60 of those are in the state of Michigan. more

10 Comments on When locals oppose the green agenda, state and feds officials seek ways to ignore local concerns

  1. Whitmer is using us in Michigan as her attempt to reach the high office of Queen of the World. She cares nothing for her subjects and has a pod of three to wield power: Her, Benson (SOS) and Nessel (Atty Gen). They are doing whatever they want.

  2. LCD
    You can take an illiterate homeless person off the streets, give them a Government job. Let’s say emptying office trash cans. And after they receive their first government pay check, you are a moron, and they are a genius. Seen it happen. Now consider the U.S. Federal Government is the largest employer in the world. By far. I’m not sure that’s what the founders had envisioned.

  3. I was reading a book about the Middle Ages when I realized something. Seven hundred years ago, a person could buy an indulgence from the elite to save a loved one from purgatory. Today you can buy a carbon credit from the elite and save the entire planet. Is that progress or what?

  4. Interesting to note that the homely and hypocritical WRetching owns a fuel-powered stove and other utlities. Folks over there in that dull place should leave by the droves, as seen in NYC.

  5. Interesting to note that the homely and hypocritical WRetching owns a fuel-powered stove and other utilities. Folks over there in that dull place should leave by the droves, as seen in NYC.

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