Jack Smith’s Rush to Judgment – IOTW Report

Jack Smith’s Rush to Judgment

Odds the Supreme Court will review one of four counts pending against Trump–with implications for another–just spiked. What does this mean for the special counsel and looming trial date?

Julie Kelly:

Special Counsel Jack Smith filed a motion over the weekend urging the district court to preserve the current schedule leading up to Donald Trump’s criminal trial scheduled to begin on March 4 in Washington.

Judge Tanya S. Chutkan, who is handling Smith’s four-count indictment against Trump related to the events of January 6 and efforts to “overturn” the 2020 election, earlier this month denied the former president’s motion to dismiss the case on executive immunity grounds. Trump’s counsel immediately appealed her ruling and asked Chutkan to suspend existing deadlines as the appeal moves through the process, possibly landing at the U.S. Supreme Court. (More on that in a moment.)

After successfully demanding an accelerated trial schedule—unlike most Jan 6 cases, which take more than a year between indictment and trial, Chutkan set only a seven-month window—Smith is doing everything he can to get a conviction before Trump wins the Republican presidential nomination this summer. “[In] light of the public’s strong interest in a prompt trial, the Government will seek to ensure that trial proceeds as scheduled. This means that, while the appeal is pending…the Government will continue to shoulder its own burden,” Smith wrote in his weekend motion. more here

24 Comments on Jack Smith’s Rush to Judgment

  1. Was this put in place for this circumstance, by a couple RINO’s.?
    “Representative Mike Oxley and President George W. Bush shake hands at the signing of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002, which created the crime of obstructing an official proceeding.”
    From Wikipedia

  2. “[In] light of the public’s strong interest in a prompt trial, the Government will seek to ensure that trial proceeds as scheduled.”

    How about the trial scheduling for the J6 defendants? If the government was so concerned about speedy trials, all of these people would be out and acquitted by now.

  3. One can only hope that Jack Smith’s push to railroad Trump ASAP is partially driven by his need to dispose of Trump—at least, as a candidate—before Jack’s own dirty dealings, as detailed in another thread here, become public and debilitating.

    I sure hope those revelations were not just another Kraken, but they dis seem to stir up the trolls quite a bit, so there’s probably fire behind all of Patrick Byrne’s smoke.

  4. Update: the court has granted Crooked Jack’screquest for an expedited hearing. It will be on January 5th. Trump’s lawyers have been given until December 20 to respond.

    Is this going to be another John Roberts Seizure Sellout? I sure hope not.

  5. Known to run the gambit in legal cases against him. Trump was hoping to run out the clock, cross his fingers to get elected then simply have his AG drop the case & all charges. Wouldn’t it be kick in the pants he loses at the Supreme Court, Jack Smith wins his case against him & he loses to Biden in Nov. My prediction, he will lose at all 3 mention here. America’s Top Criminal, busted. Meanwhile the judge’s decision in his fraud trial will come towards the end of Jan 24. They are suing him for 300 million & loss of all business licenses in the state of New York. Seven Springs Estate, Trump Tower/New York & Mar-a-lago are in jeopardy along with any/all his properties located in the state of New York.

  6. Nope, like the McD’s ad, lov’n every minute of it. A whole life of the ‘Art of the Steal”. All it will take is one case to lose & the dominoes will fall. He is a prime example to younger generations at cheating in life, cheating your friends, your business partners, cheating your banks, cheating our government.
    Troll is him waiting in the wings for his next big cheat.

  7. And Trump is a skirter, anyting & everyting to avoid judgment DAY! Jack Smith aka “Arnold” The Terminator is coming, he will never stop he will never give up,always coming.

  8. 90 percent of our Federal Government will hang should Trump get back in. It’s poor old Jack Smiths job to protect them from Trump. AT ANY COST. He’s one motivated Mxther Fxcker.


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