Jim Jordan: Hunter’s Statement Indicates That Joe Biden Has ‘Been Involved’ in Business Dealings – IOTW Report

Jim Jordan: Hunter’s Statement Indicates That Joe Biden Has ‘Been Involved’ in Business Dealings

EV: House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has stated that Hunter Biden’s scripted speech from outside Congress may have implicated his Democrat president father for having “been involved” in his illegal business dealings.

Jordan noted that Hunter made a “huge change” to the narrative by saying President Biden was “not financially involved” in his business dealings.

As Slay News reported earlier, Hunter Biden defied his subpoena on Wednesday morning and refused to be deposed by congressional committees.

Instead, Democrat President Joe Biden’s son held a press conference to make his pitch to the corporate media.

Particular attention has been drawn to the moment that Hunter Biden maintained that his father “was not financially involved” in his business.

The first son claimed that there is “no evidence because it did not happen.” more

6 Comments on Jim Jordan: Hunter’s Statement Indicates That Joe Biden Has ‘Been Involved’ in Business Dealings

  1. I would not be surprised if, at some point in the relatively near future, Hunter is said to have “committed suicide”. The official narrative will be that his inner demons finally got the better of him, that the R’s had hounded him to death, blah blah blah, etc. etc. etc., but the truth will be that someone somewhere will view him as a liability that just needs to go away permanently. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that someone was Joe himself — I honestly believe that fucker would sacrifice his own kid to save his own worthless hide.

  2. Joe was not financially involved with Hunter’s business dealings. Hunter getting paid millions of dollars from whomever is one business deal. Joe getting paid his ten percent by Hunter is another. So no, Joe was not financially involved with the first deal.

    It’s like when you buy Oreos from a grocery store. You are not financially involved with Nabisco. You are involved in a financial deal with the grocery store who acts as a middleman. You get your cookies, Nabisco gets its money.

  3. Suicide you funny silly guy. Go away? Hell no, HELL NO! Jordan, Comer & the GOP are milking this till the cow runs dry. Both are nothing more than the cheeks on a horse’s ass waiting for it to drop it’s next load.


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